Two recs for you here. In the first one, Sam is a totally adorable dog. I can describe it better than that, but Sam is a dog. He's adorable, all right? The second one is a HP/SPN crossover with a rather unusual pairing, but the plot and the characterisation and everything was just incredibly well executed. And it works! Everything about the second story just clicks as believable. You should all go read both of these fics at once, you hear?
Happiness is somebody to lean on. Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Dean | GEN |
Whit MerulePoor, bedraggled Sam, lost and hungry, runs into an unexpected precise, blue-eyed feline. Who promptly rearranges the world so that everyone, including both their owners, have sufficient cuddles.
January GirlDean/Luna | PG-13 |
parentheticalWith Sam trying out normal life at Stanford and his father working an undercover gig across the country, Dean is on his own and getting reckless. While investigating a series of mysterious deaths, he runs into a strange witch called Luna Lovegood, who is searching for what she calls a 'Horcrux'. (Seriously?) Suddenly Dean finds himself dealing with evil wizards, broomsticks, Bat-Bogey Hexes, Dementors, mirrors which order him to wear a pointy hat, and much more - all the while trying not to think too much about Luna's last name and whether it's accurate.