Title: Freedom, Fear, Faith
Author: SA33466996
Rating: PG-13, T, FR-13
Category: Gen, Angst
Genre: Gen
Pairing: None
Character: Tony DiNozzo
Word Count: 100
Summary: Tony wonders whether he'll ever get out of that car alive.
Spoilers: Semper Fidelis and Aliyah
Disclamer: All NCIS characters belong to Bellisario, CBS and Paramount. No copyright infringement intended.
A/N: I, for one, echoed Gibbs's words during that scene in Aliyah. Prompted by that and also written as a response to challenge #131 'Control' for
ncisdrabble100 Tony loved cars.
Correction. He loved driving cars. It wasn’t necessarily about how far he pushed them; how quickly he overtook or whether he beat his own time. It wasn’t even about sex, leather interiors, manual or automatic transmission. He didn’t have a preference.
It was the freedom.
He hated back seat driving; the lack of control. In the wrong hands, cars were dangerous; weapons to be feared. Akin to knives; plague-filled letters; forensic assistants; suicide bombers; IEDs and Mossad Officers wielding shards of glass.
Abruptly, Tony found himself being transferred from one lethal weapon into the hands of another.