New Blog New Website

Jun 30, 2005 14:54

Hi again everyone! You probably noticed I'm not blogging on LiveJournal anymore. Actually I haven't done much blogging at all in the past couple of months. Well I'm back! But now I'm on my new website; in a move many of you will find obvious, past-due, or perhaps just annoying, I've registered my *legal* name for my new website. Please update your bookmarks, if you care :-)

Enjoy! See you there-- or maybe not?!

P.S. -- I'm still reading all yer LJ blogs too-- I just don't log in to LJ to do it anymore, since all you LJ-ers have RSS feeds, I just read you via NewsGator. The downside is, I still have to login to LJ to see the friends-only posts (which I do maybe monthly) because those don't syndicate through RSS (as far as I can tell).
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