My Reaction to the Rumor of a New Star Wars Trilogy

Oct 23, 2010 18:24

Much like how Stephen King was hit by a car and had his entire mentality and writing style forever altered, I firmly believe that at some point George Lucas had an unreported and unattended stroke - it would explain why he's been off his rocker ever since he came up with the idea of interjecting a singing in-your-face alien into Return of the Jedi. It would also explain why he was able to never grasp the racism portrayed by the Jar Jar Binks.

Nevermind what he and Spielburg did to Indian Jones.

Of course, I also firmly believe that having children, then tossing aside an entire fanbase just to please them and tickle their young minds, is as devastating as any stroke, if not moreso.

Only those that can understand the significance of Star Wars, mythology, and good filmmaking should be allowed near the canon.

I also believe that Joseph Cambell would be extremely disappointed in what Lucas did to the trilogies.

This news is sad news.

But then again, there hasn't been a true "Star Wars" movie since RotJ. Just generic, pop-cultural sci-fi written for very, very young children. Not to mention the story of the prequels being retconned just to suit the fancy of his kids.

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