Sorry I didn't get these up yesterday as I said I would, I had something come up. Anyway hope you guys like these. Some of them are meant to be funny and ironic like the rushed one is them taking their sweet time and the naughty one is supposed to give you a laugh lol. Let me know what you think!
ATTENTION to makers! - I re-did all the tags so that it is more organized now so make sure to follow how that are setup!
Comment if taking, Suggestions welcome
Credit icons with my user name as the picture comment
Download this -
Aly and AJ Mood Theme and then follow directions below...
If you have a basic account, temporarily
switch to a plus account while installing the mood theme, and switch back to basic after. You can still use your moodtheme on a basic account once it's installed.
Now go to the
Admin Console.
Copy and paste this line into the box: moodtheme_create "Name" "Description"
Fill in the name and description of your theme and click execute.
Now see the mood theme ID given to you? (the number in green) Copy that... and go open the file you downloaded above with notepad.
Go to Edit > Replace, type "123456" into 'Find what:' and 'Replace with:' your new number.
Now, copy the entire notepad code into the admin console box and click execute.
Then go to Journal, Customize Journal and then on the right, click "Customize your theme". After that click "edit/create custom mood themes" and click use next to the one you just uploaded.
Credit to
snubbly for instrucions