Two Wrongs Make A Legacy: Chapter 2.3

Jun 25, 2009 20:09

Welcome back to my last chapter of the RR. After this I'll be posting the heir poll and then pass the baton on to Cherith.

Last time Liam and Sunny got engaged and they had their last child, Calen. They then moved out of the apartment and into a new home and Kato turned into a teenager.


Kali woke up that morning bright and early. Today was her teen birthday and she was very excited. Now she would be a big girl and she and Kato would have adventures and be best friends, she just knew it.

"You know Calen, I'm going to be a teenager tonight, so we can't play together anymore."

"Does this mean you won't dress me up anymore or put bows in my hair?" Calen asked eagerly.

Kali nodded sadly. "I'm afraid so baby brother."

Meanwhile upstairs Kato was rocking out on her guitar, which was pretty much what she was always doing.

Well, not always. She was a teenage girl after all. She needed to be prepared when the moment came that she would get her first kiss.

That night Kali finally got her wish of being a teenager. Although, not unlike her brother's birthday, her parents were away at work. She even wished for them to be there before she blew out her candles. Unfortunately, her parents were still at work, so she changed into some better clothes and had a quiet night at home with her siblings.

Kali wasn't the only one celebrating a birthday that day. Pickle turned into an old woman quietly and by herself. Not that she minded. She was used to be alone and was finding that she actually quite liked it. It was nice to sit alone in the sun and chew on her bone all day.

When Sunny finally made it home from work she was surprised to see Kali all grown up. She gave her a tight hug. "Oh darling, you look so beautiful! I wish I could have been there to see you grow up."

Kali extricated herself from her mother's hug and shrugged. "Well you weren't. Nothing really new there."

Sunny frowned. "Honey, I wanted to be but I had to work. You know this."

Kali rolled her eyes. "Yea, you and Dad always have to work. Whatever, we get it. It's no big deal."

Sunny sighed. "Look, how about this weekend we'll go out on the town. Just the family."

Kali laughed. "Sure Mom, whatever you say."

Despite Kali's newfound sarcasm, Sunny held true to her word and took the family out for a trip. She knew she and Liam had been absent lately. Work had just crept up into their lives and made it difficult to spend time with the kids. The house was far more expensive than the apartment, and although it was worth it, they needed every penny they could. So it was nice to get out for the day with the kids and enjoy the boardwalk and the refreshing, cool ocean water.

Kali had been hesitant at first but she couldn't deny it was a good day. She applied a generous amount of sun tan lotion and lay down beside her sister to get a nice tan.

Although it was Kato who ended up getting the tan. Kali was incredibly jealous. Kato got nice and golden brown and she was still pasty pale. Although, Kali didn't know that Kato had always been jealous of her sister's olive complexion and deep grey eyes.

After the beach the family headed to the Marine Biology Museum. Although, there really wasn't much to do there.

So they immediately left and went to the bowling alley and skating rink. Calen was really exciting to try skating. Living in Pearson Bay all his life he had never seen this much ice in one place and he couldn't wait to get on it. Of course, his inexperience with ice didn't prepare him for how slippery it was and by the end of the night he found he had a very sore tailbone.

All in all it had been a good day. Parents and children had bonded and the family had had a great time. Some of them had a better time than they should have. Sunny wasn't terribly impressed when she found Kali trying to buy alcohol underage.

Since she blamed Liam for Kali's lapse in judgement she decided to play a little trick on Liam using her magic.

"Bwack, bwuck bwuck bwuck bukwack!" Liam sqwuacked as he strutted around the front yard in the pantomime of a chicken.

"Sunny, the strangest thing just happened! For some reason I felt like dancing like a chicken!"

Sunny smiled and picked up SF innocently. "Mmmmhhmm? Really?" She mumbled sweetly.

Liam narrowed his eyes. "Sunny...did you do that?"

Sunny grinned and gave SF a squeeze. "I'd never dream of doing anything like that."

Life in the Wright-Steele house was moving along well. Liam and Sunny had renewed their interest in their kids. They tried to make sure they spent time with each one everyday. Although Calen might have appreciated a little less attention.

The girls were each devoting time to their respective hobbies and skills. Kali was becoming an excellent dancer and she spent several hours a day practicing her moves.

Sunny and Liam hadn't just renewed their interest in their kids, they had also renewed their interest in each other. They still spent many hours locked in their rooms...much to their kids' dismay.

During those times Kato would try and find something to occupy her time. It was usually her guitar, or, on the odd occasion, the computer. Of course, every once in awhile it would break down and she would be left to fix it.

"Dammit, this old machine is a piece of crap. We should just buy a new frack'n computer!" She muttered under her breath.

Although, she should have been doing less muttering and paying more attention. Her distraction led to an unfortunate and...shocking...surprise for her.

"I feel...singed.' She muttered to herself. "And weird, I mean, I'm talking to myself for goodness' sake!"

While she was showering Kali burst into the bathroom. "You have to come meet me outside after you're done."

Kato screamed when the door slammed against the tiles and she poked her head around the shower curtain angrily. "And just why the hell should I do that?"

Kali rolled her eyes. "Just do it!"

Kato shooed her sister from the bathroom and hurriedly finished so she could see what Kali wanted.

"So what was so important?" She asked impatiently.

Kali was practically jumping out of her skin she was so excited. "Okay, tomorrow is Calen's brithday right? And I figure, Mom and Dad have been so absent for birthday's that we should do something special for him."

Kato frowned. "Mom and Dad will be there. They've been really trying lately."

Kali rolled her eyes. "Sure sure, still, it would be fun! We could take him to the boardwalk without Mom and Dad. We could dance and party and it'll be awesome!"

Kato frowned. "Well, I guess so. I just...let's ask Mom and Dad first okay?"

Sunny and Liam had agreed to let Kali and Kato take Calen out for his birthday. In fact, they were proud of the girls for wanting to do something nice for their brother.

Because the kids were going out they decided to have Calen's birthday early, but before he grew out of childhood forever Kato wanted a picture.

"Okay, hold it still, don't move!"

Calen froze in position and waited patiently for Kato to take the picture. He was used to being a guinea pig for his sisters. But soon he'd be just as big as them and he'd be his own person. He wouldn't have to listen to them anymore.

Kali had figured that their parents wouldn't be there for Calen's birthday, but they really had changed and were excited to see their baby grow up.

Calen grinned at his whole family, gathered there to see him age up. "Mmmm I wish to be big and strong and to not have to wear bows anymore!" Calen shouted before blowing out the candles, getting chuckles from his parents and sisters.

After Calen changed into the clothes Sunny had bought for him Kali hugged him tightly. "Well baby brother, ready for your big day?"

Calen smiled and hugged her back. "Of course! I'm excited you guys want to spend time with me!"

When the kids got to the boardwalk the first thing they decided to do was check out the old pirate ship. It had been closed the day they were there with their parents and it looked so neat they just had to explore it.

Kato was immediately smitten with it. It appealed to her love of adventure and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Oh my goodness! Calen you have to check this out! We're so far up from the water! I wonder if it would hurt to fall." She mused.

Calen wasn't too impressed. Sure the ship was cool and all but he didn't even find any treasure in the captain's quarters. What kind of pirate ship didn't have treasure?

His lack of interest didn't really dissuade Kato's love.

"Kato, this thing sucks, I'm going for a swim."

"Sure, whatever." She answered absently. In her mind she was Queen Kato, pirate mistress and overlord of the broken old ship.

Even Kali got in on the adventure. She spent a good deal of time battling it out with old Cutlass, the practice dummy.

Calen let his sisters play on the ship, he was happy to float in the water and watch all the real ships go by.

Finally the girls got tired of the boat and decided to sun tan some more. But, of course, the spirit of exploration had finally struck Calen and he decided to search for treasure in the sand.

Unfortunately, all he found was an angry crab.

Kato had lit a campfire and after his unfortunate accident with the crab Calen decided the safest thing would be to hang out by the fire.

Kali joined her siblings and the Steele kids spent the rest of the afternoon roasting hot dogs and talking.

"Do you think Mom and Dad are ever going to get married?" Kali asked her siblings several hours later.

Calen laughed. "No way. They've been engaged since before I was born. You really think Dad's going to make that committment now?" He shook his head. "I don't think so. Dad just can't overcome his romance nature."

Kali shrugged. "I don't know. They've been together a long time. It's obvious they love each other. What's Dad's problem?"

Calen laughed. "If he marries Mom he feels like all his options are gone."

Kali shook her head. "They already are! He's not going to cheat on Mom! She wouldn't stand for that and I don't think he could stand to lose her."

Kato shrugged, finally joining in the debate. "I think we'll just have to see."


"Mom, are you sure about this? Do you really think tom boy Kato is the best choice for playing hair dresser?"

Kato glared at her sister. "Don't listen to her Mom. I'm fine. I promise, I will make you look like a princess."

Kali scoffed. "Kat, if you could do that why do you wear your hair in that short, boyish bob you've had since infancy?"

Kali smiled sarcastically. "You're one to talk about old hair do's."

"Girls!" Sunny finally intervened. "Now really isn't the time. Kato will do a fine job Kali, now can we please just do this?"

An hour , not to mention hundreds of bobby pins, litres of hair spray and good helping of extensions, later, Kato had transformed Sunny. She had kept true to her word and Sunny was amazed at the face staring back at her. "Kato, it's beautiful. I never thought I could have hair like this!"

Kato stuck her tongue out at Kali. "See?" She teased.

Sunny jumped up from the bench and hugged her eldest daughter. "Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you girls are here with me."

Kali stood up from the chair and smiled. "Well, all this lovey dovey stuff is great and all but we do have a schedule to keep to."

Meanwhile, Calen was ending his search for his father in the greenhouse. He felt a knot in his stomach when he saw his dad sitting with his head in his hands. "Something wrong Dad? I'm hoping you'll say you ate some bad food or something. I know it can't be anything to do with doubts about Mom."

Liam shrugged silently. His face was sad and confused and Calen was concerned about this afternoon's plans. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his father's shoulder, pulling Liam down into a sitting position on ground with him.

He raised an eyebrow and look expectantly at Liam. "Well?"

Liam sighed. "Look, I never saw myself getting married. I never saw myself settling down, or having kids.' He shrugged. "Hell, I never saw myself living with anyone. Everything has changed, all my plans for my life changed and..." he trailed off and shrugged. "I don't know if I can deal with that."

Calen stared at his dad. "You're joking right? Your plans changed?" He laughed. "Dad, when do our plans ever really work out? We can make all these plans for our lives but it doesn't neccessarily mean anything. Plans are great but sometimes we just need to deal with what life throws us." He grinned impishly. "Are you saying you wish you'd never met Mom or had me or Kali or Kato?"

Liam rolled his eyes. "Of course not. I love all of you. Desperately. But is that enough?"

Calen shrugged. "I don't know. But you've been with Mom for almost 24 years now. That has to count for something."

Liam laughed. "Yea, I guess it does."

With the crisis averted Calen helped his father to his feet. "Good. Now let's go get ready. You're getting married today."

A short time later the boys were dressed and the guests had arrived and found their seats. Liam surveyed their gathered friends and bit his lip.

Calen leaned over. "Nervous?"

Liam shrugged. "A little."

"About Mom?"

Liam smiled softly. "Never..."

Outside the green house Sunny was having her own crisis. "Oh for crying out loud. Is my nail broken? What the hell is this?!' She cried. "Girls, do I look okay? You're sure I don't look over done? My dress isn't wrinkled is it? Are my curls still in? Oh dear I will just die if my hair has fallen."

The girls laughed and looked at each other. "Mom.." Kali finally said. "Shut up. You look beautiful. Dad won't know what hit him."

Finally they heard the music that was their cue. The girls walked down the aisle slowly with all the guests watching.

Liam grinned at his daughters. He couldn't deny they looked beautiful but he also couldn't deny the butterflies in his stomach. As Kali and Kato finished their walk down the aisle and took their places Liam found himself thinking about his life with Sunny. He loved her, he knew this, but he couldn't help that little bit of panic crawling around the back of his mind. It was trying to dig it's claws into his love for Sunny and he was afraid it would make an impact.

Outside Sunny was thinking the same thing. Not that she was doubting her relationship with Liam, she was simply afraid he was doubting his relationship with her. Finally the music changed it was her cue to go in. She took a deep breathe and turned her face up to the sunshine. "This is it..." she murmered to herself.

All the guests turned and looked at her as she stepped into the green house. When he heard the sound of everyone shifting in their seats Liam turned to look at Sunny.

She gave him a small smile and he felt a hard blow to his stomach. He coudn't believe he had wasted so much time trying to get out of a marriage to this woman. He loved her more than he had ever loved another person. She was his soulmate and she was perfect for him. He had been an idiot, and he would spend the rest of his life devoted to her.

When she finally reached him he reached out and took her hands in his own. "I love you..." he whispered and she squeezed his hands, not saying anything in case she cried.

From the front row Freckles McQuinn leaned over to Jack. "This is such a lovely wedding. I'm so glad Liam and Sunny are finally getting married."

Jack smiled back at her. He was happy too. Sunny had been dreaming of this for 20 years now, she definitely deserved this moment.

"Sunny, from the moment I met you I knew I wanted you. Why it took me this long to make you mine, forever and always, I will never know. I had been a fool and blind to your beauty and your good soul. You are kind and sweet, innocent without being naive, you have a kind and loving heart and you have raised our children to be strong and independant, to show love and accept love." He smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. "With this ring I commit myself to you. Forever and always."

Sunny smiled and wiped at the tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "Liam, I have waited for you, patiently, from the time you first kissed me. In that moment, you had my heart and I knew I would never love another person. There have been times I have been impatient with you, or frustrated with you, but you've made every day we've had together joyful. Every moment spent with you has been worth it and I can't wait to spend the rest of our time together, by your side, as your wife." As she slipped the ring on his finger her heart soared. "I love you and with this ring I commit myself to you. Forever and always."

Liam grinned and swept hisnew wife up in a passionate kiss. Every doubt, every worry he had was swept away in her kiss.

The audience burst into applause. They all knew Liam and Sunny well enough to know that this moment had been a long time coming.

Jack couldn't even control his smile as he watched his best friend finally realize her dream.

"Well Mom, how's it feel to be a married woman?"

Sunny grinned and shrugged. "Eh, it's okay I guess." She smirked at Kato, a delighted glimmer in her eye.

It was a hot and sunny day and the guests were all eager to sit down and enjoy the delicious meal under the cool shade of the tent.

The guests got to seat themselves and Liam and Sunny were happy to see guests mingling and sitting with people they didn't know.

"So, how do you know the bride or groom?" Jack asked Freckles.

Freckles swallowed the whole bite of food and blushed. "Uh, you know. The groom and I had...relations. Once. A long time ago. Before he met Sunny."

Jack chuckled and laid his hand on top of Freckles'. "That's okay hun, I'm sure there are a few women in Pearson Bay that Liam had...relations with before he met Sunny. Probably some after he met her too."

Not that it made any difference. Liam didn't have eyes for anyone at the wedding other than Sunny. Although it's to be expected, it was a pleasant surprise for Liam. She couldn't believe just how much he had changed, but she was thrilled with it.

Romance was in the air at the wedding. There weren't many couples there, but Liam's friend Stone had brought his girlfriend Peaches with him and they couldn't help but make googly eyes at each other all day.

In fact, Stone thought it would be the perfect time to propose to Peaches. She of course said yes and everyone at the wedding cheered.

*note: Yes that is Stone, the male version of my simSelf and Peaches, my founder submission for the RR founder. They moved into the same apartment and found twu luff.*

After dinner it was time for the traditional cake cutting.

"Liam, we've talked about this I know, but I just want to make sure you're not going to stuff this in my face. Okay?" She looked down at her dress. "This is a very expensive dress."

Luckily Liam agreed not to shove cake all over her face. Although, he did feed her a little too forcefully.

Sunny didn't mind though, the cake was delicious!

After the cake it was time for their first dance.

They didn't want to hog the dance floor though so they let other people join them half-way through.

"Milady, would you do me the honour of allowing me this dance?" Jack smiled and bowed low.

Kali blushed. "Are you serious?" Jack nodded sincerely. "Aren't you gay though?"

Jack laughed. "Sure, but I can still appreciate a beautiful girl."

Kali knew he wasn't interested in her - not to mention the fact that he was as old as her parents - but he was charming and his attention felt nice, so she agreed to dance with him.

Kato and Calen were happy to dance with each other. Although, there dancing was a little more wild than everyone else who was waltzing around the dance floor.

Soon enough though they all joined in the party and danced the afternoon away.

Even the couples broke out of their lovey-dovey moments and "got down" on the dance floor.

Well, most of them got down on the dance floor. There were those few exceptions who were never very good at following the pack.

The party lasted well in to the night, and every danced their hearts out, but Liam and Sunny stayed close together, wrapped in each other's arms and lost in each other's eyes, they continued to sway around the dance floor.

Nothing else mattered that night. They had gotten their happy ending.


Well there you have it folks! I'm done with my section of the Round Robin and the heir poll is up! It's available at S2WG, just follow the link.

two wrongs make a legacy, round robin, legacy challenge

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