And the winner is...

Mar 02, 2004 08:58

Congratulations to masterslacker for winning the first color contest with his color theme titled Digital Multiplex Blues. You can view it here. Expect to see this color theme added to the list of options for Digital Multiplex themes (amount of time before it shows up on the live server varies).

This now kicks off the March competition! This month's s2themes competition is for the Component style!

If you haven't read the info for the contest, read it now.

Please note that submissions to the contest should be links to a style using the color theme, not just the source of the theme (although we need the source too).

So have fun!

Contest deadline stands at March 15th.


Contest is closed at this time. Judges are narrowing down the choices to 5, and public voting will begin either as soon as all judges have voted, or by the 21st.
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