I know that I harassed
kunzite1 last week concerning an s2 punquin elegant style layout.
Well...I have one more (at least I hope this is the last one).
I know that usually it's in the customizations to edit the names of your links (e.g. "recent entries" "friends" etc.), but I was wondering if there was a way to format it in the modifcation of the layers? I don't like the little > in front of each link, and I would like it formatted differently. Something like
flyingrain, so that if I wanted to add stuff in between the links...or put something in front of each one that isn't just >.
Here is what I've been working on.
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "punquin experiment2";
layerinfo "source_viewable" = 1;
# the set commands go into your user layer
# the rest of it goes into your theme layer
set body_bgcolor = "#C9D5DE";
set main_bgcolor = "#C9D5DE";
set main_fgcolor = "#000000";
set link_color = "#87929b";
set vlink_color = "#87929b";
set alink_color = "#e3cb9b";
set title_color = "#556068";
set border_color = "#C9D5DE";
set subject_color = "#556068";
set sidebar_position = "left";
function Page::print_custom_head() {
function Page::print ()
var string main_width = "80%"; # percent (80%) or pixel value (800px)
var string align = "left"; # left, center, or right
var string k1Hheader_url = "
http://www.37pence.org/frenchrenaissance.png"; # optional header url
var string k1Hheader_alt = ""; # optional header alt text
var string title = $this->title();
var string main_position = $*sidebar_position == "right" ? "right" : "left";
# Head
println "";
if ($*external_stylesheet) {
println """""";
} else {
println """";
# Body
if($k1Hheader_url != "") {
# Table wrapper
if ($*sidebar_position == "left") { print_sidebar($this); }
# Main content
if ($*sidebar_position == "right") { print_sidebar($this); }
# Go to top
# Plug the site!
function Page::lay_sidebar_navigation () { }
function print_sidebar(Page p) {
var string sidebar_width = "150px"; # percent (70%) or pixel value (700px)
var string title = $p->title();
var string userpic;
var Image up_img = $p.journal.default_pic;
if (defined $up_img) {
$userpic = """
var string website_name = $p.journal.website_name ? $p.journal.website_name : $*text_website_default_name;
var string website;
if ($p.journal.website_url != "") {
$website = """>
var string links;
foreach var string v ($p.views_order) {
$links = "$links> " + ($p.view == $v ?
lang_viewname($v) :
"+lang_viewname($v)+"") + "
# Table Wrapper
# Userpic
"; if($userpic != "") { "
$userpic"; }
# Title
# Links
# Link List
if (size $p.linklist > 0 and $*linklist_support) {
if (not $p.linklist[0].is_heading) {
# vars to help with making new boxes
var string box_header_open = """
var string box_header_close = "";
var string box_content_open = "
var string box_content_close = "
# print header of box
print $box_header_open;
print $box_header_close;
# print content of box
print $box_content_open;
print $box_content_close;
# End Table