fixes that I use

May 14, 2006 21:52

This is mostly for my own reference.

  • METADATA fix (includes "location" fix)
    For those who use kunzite1's metadata fix ( here). I've added the 'location' property.

    Otherwise fuzzface00 has a fix here.

    function Entry::print_metadata() {
    var string tags_header = $*text_meta_tags;
    var string tags_joiner = ":";
    var Link edit_tags = $this->get_link("edit_tags");
    var string text = "";
    var string val = "";
    if ((size $.metadata > 0) or ($*tags_aware and (size $.tags > 0))){
    var string currents = "";
    foreach var string k ($.metadata){
    $val = $.metadata{$k};
    if ($k == "mood"){
    $text = $*text_meta_mood;
    elseif ($k == "music") {
    $text = $*text_meta_music;
    elseif ($k == "location") {
    $text = $*text_meta_location;
    if ($k == "mood" and defined $.mood_icon){
    var Image i = $.mood_icon;
    $val = "
    $currents = $currents + """
  • $text$val
  • """;

    # get tags
    var string tags = "";
    if($*tags_aware and (size $.tags > 0)) {
    $text = $tags_header;
    $val = "";
    var int count = 0;
    # if remote user can edit tags, let's give them a link
    if($edit_tags.url != "") {
    $text = """ $text""";
    $text = $text + $tags_joiner;
    foreach var Tag t ($.tags) {
    $val = $val + """ $""";
    if($count < size $.tags) {
    $val = $val + ", ";
    $tags = """
  • $text$val
  • """;
    println """


    (Customise) To change labels, and add colons:

    set text_meta_music = "Music";
    set text_meta_mood = "Mood";
    set text_meta_location = "Location";

    ETA: use if you don't want bolded tags, else use

  • SUBJECTLINE fix [ here]

  • SPIFFY DATE fix [here]

    function Page::print_custom_head() {


    function Entry::lay_print_subjectline(Color bg, Color fg, bool usecolour) {
    var Page p = get_page();
    var string date = "";
    if ($.itemid != int($*layout_guestbook_entryid)) {
    var string entry_header = "";

    $entry_header = $entry_header + """
    $entry_header = $entry_header + $.time->date_format("%%day%%");
    $entry_header = $entry_header + """""";

    $entry_header = $entry_header + """
    $entry_header = $entry_header + $.time->date_format("%%mon%% %%dd%% '%%yy%%&");
    $entry_header = $entry_header + """""";

    $entry_header = $entry_header + """
    $entry_header = $entry_header + $.time->time_format();
    $entry_header = $entry_header + """""";

    if ($p.view == "entry") {
    print (defined $.security_icon ? " » $.security_icon" : "");
    } else {
    print (defined $.security_icon or $.subject != "" ? " » " : "") + (defined $.security_icon ? "$.security_icon " : "") + ($.subject == "" ? "" : "$.subject");
    if ((size $.tags > 0) and ($*layout_position_entrytags == "subject")) {
    """ [ $.tags[0].name""";
    foreach var int i (1 .. (size $.tags - 1)) {
    """, $.tags[$i].name""";
    } else {
    print (defined $.security_icon ? "" + $.security_icon : " ");

    Insert symbol or non-symbol of your choice


    This fix was previously posted in the community, that I had accidently deleted. It is based on this.

    Add ".pageblock { width: 700px; margin: 0px auto;}" to your CSS to make Smooth Sailing's sprawling layout centered, and change 20 to 0.

    set layout_margin_left = 20;
    set layout_margin_right = 20;
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