
Aug 08, 2005 23:57

Hi there,
I was guided here from s2styles.
I'm trying to add a page counter to my journal (not the profile page, but the main page), I am a paid member and have followed the directions from this link that was provided:

I got to the part of posting the html code for the counter and get an error that I have no idea what it means. I am by no means any sort of code writer/interpreter.

S2 Compiler Output at Mon Aug 8 21:40:06 2005
Error compiling layer:

Compile error: line 5, column 25: Can't finish parsing NodeTerm
S2::NodeTerm, S2/, 463
S2::NodeIncExpr, S2/, 41
S2::NodeUnaryExpr, S2/, 40
S2::NodeProduct, S2/, 28
S2::NodeSum, S2/, 31
S2::NodeRelExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeEqExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeLogAndExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeLogOrExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeRange, S2/, 29
S2::NodeCondExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeAssignExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeVarDeclStmt, S2/, 33
S2::NodeStmt, S2/, 50
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/, 42
S2::NodeFunction, S2/, 104
S2::Layer, S2/, 58
S2::Compiler, S2/, 27


1: layerinfo "type" = "theme";
2: layerinfo "name" = "stat counter";
4: function Page::lay_print_sidebar_freetextbox() {
5: var string myhtml = (!--WEBBOT bot='HTMLMarkup' startspan ALT='Site Meter -->
6: (a href='' target='_top')
7: (img src='' alt='Site Meter' border='0'/)(/a)
8: (!--WEBBOT bot='HTMLMarkup' Endspan -->
9: ;

I had to replace the '>' and '<' with a parentheses so it would stay as code...because once I posted this it did it's html thing and made me a nice big fat zero in black. Fricka schmicka...

Can anybody help me?
I know....I'm pathetic.
Thanks in advance.

Jen, aka raginglunatic
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