Header security icons and hyphens

Sep 12, 2014 23:19

I don't know if I came to a correct place to ask my question, but still. I'm extremely unhappy with the lock/eye icons in the title of Smooth Sailing posts. I'm not a paid user and have no rights to edit theme layers, but can apply custom css to it. All used to be okay for many years, but in May 2014 lock icons suddenly got out of control and started appearing above the entry title. I thought a bit and created a workaround by setting .entryHolder > img to float:left and making slight changes to lock image margins. It looked okay in the main page view (and I believe it was also the case for single entry view but am not sure). Then I found that single entry view still looks ugly and security icons appear above the entry header again because there is a hyphen right before the icon:



This hyphen is not a member of any container except the topmost .entryHolder and I can't think of css that will either hide this hyphen or make it show inline. There's no hyphen before the security icons in the main page view, so it looks okay. I don't mind the hyphen itself, but won't it be at least common sense for the author to wrap it into a or something so that people like me could style it separately? Can I possibly request that hyphen be wrapped into some container?

security icons, requests, css, header

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