Subject in Entry View

Jun 09, 2014 15:32

Hello all, I have a problem with the Subject displaying in entry view.

I managed to get the subject to show by using the following:


The problem is, although it works, the header appears as a link to the entry. I would like to remove the link, if possible. I really hope you can help me because the OCD in me is giving me a headache, lol.


EDIT: So I decided that maybe the link can stay. I managed to add a link to the subject line in the "recent" view. Sadly, if a person adds bold, or italics to their subject, the subject appears to change in colour and is no longer a link. :(

Does anybody have a fix for this?

Here is a screenshot of what I mean. "The Grave Gourmet" is formatted properly while "Twelve Woman of Azeroth" isn't. Help?

If there is no fix for the above, then I'd like to remove the link from the Entry Subject bar, which was my first question. Either one or the other solution will make me happy. :)

EDIT 2: I somehow managed to fix the font changing but it still appears as a non-link.

subject bar

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