Alright so I made my layout just the way I wanted it to be last night and everything looks fine in FireFox 2, but I got the bright idea to look at what it looks like in Internet Explorer 7 and now I'm a little annoyed.
Apparently in IE my header-menu (Previous Entry, Next Entry, Recent Entries, Archive, etc) isn't aligned like it is in FireFox. Instead of being in the center on top of my 'sidebar/topbar,' it is slung to the right and causing a horizontal scrollbar.
I really want my layout to be compatible with both Firefox and Internet Explorer, but I can't figure out for the life of me why its over to the right like that in IE and not FF.
dyingscene (live layout)
Account Type: Plus (ads are between entries and vertical)
/* Cleaned CSS: */
/* LAYOUT TITLE: Brooding Denver
THEME: Smooth Sailing
CODING: twentynine_ @ LJ
TINY ICONS: user&com: lock&key: */
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