Help with layers & sidebar tags

Jan 08, 2009 12:09

1. Journal you are trying to modify: summerslaughter

2. Account Level: paid

3. What are you trying to accomplish?
I made a theme layer & combined it with my user layer, but when I try to use it as a custom style it screws up my header. Like this.

Figured it out!

My layer:

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "layer for minimalism";

function _print_entry(Entry e) {
var Page p = get_page();
var string rmonth = _month_case_ru(int($e.time->date_format("%%m%%")));
var string entrydate = $e.time->date_format("%%d%% $rmonth, %%H%%:%%min%%");
var string isodate = $e.time->date_format("%%yyyy%%-%%mm%%-%%dd%%T%%HH%%:%%min%%:%%sec%%+03:00");
var string extraclasses = "";
#cornerz things need refactoring, cause now it's so messed up
var string corners1 = "";
var string corners1_2 = "";
var string corners1_3 = "";
var string corners2 = "";
if ($*active_theme == "x4") {
$corners1 = """""";
$corners2 = """""";
} elseif ($*active_theme == "x5") {
$corners1_2 = """""";
$corners2 = """""";
if ($*active_theme == "x5" and ($p.view=="entry" or $p.view=="reply")) {
$corners1_2 = "";
$corners1_3 = """""";
var string _entry_title = ($p.view=="entry" or $p.view=="reply")?("""$e.security_icon""" + (($e.subject != "") ? striphtml($e.subject) : $*text_nosubject) + """"""):("""$e.security_icon""" + (($e.subject != "") ? striphtml($e.subject) : $*text_nosubject) + """$corners1_2""");
if (not $e.comments.enabled) {
$extraclasses = $extraclasses + " disabledcomments";


if ($p.view=="entry" or $p.view=="reply") {


"""; if ($e.userpic) { $e.userpic->print(); } """

"""; print _user_print($e.poster,"inside"); if ($e.poster.username!=$e.journal.username and not ($p.journal.journal_type == "C" and $p.view == "recent" )){ " $*text_user_posts_in "; print _user_print($e.journal,"simple");} """



if ($p.view!="entry" and $p.view!="reply") {


    if ($*active_theme == "x3") {
    var Link link;
    var string url = "";
    var string text = "";
    var string{} link_caption = {
    "edit_entry" => $*text_edit_entry,
    "edit_tags" => $*text_edit_tags,
    "mem_add" => $*text_mem_add,
    "tell_friend" => $*text_tell_friend,
    "flag" => $*text_flag,
    "watch_comments" => $*text_watch_comments,
    "unwatch_comments" => $*text_unwatch_comments
    foreach var string link_key ($e.link_keyseq) {
    $link = $e->get_link($link_key);
    if (defined $link) {
    $url = $link.url;
    $text = $link_caption{$link_key} != "" ? $link_caption{$link_key} : $link.caption;
    print safe """""";




function Entry::print_metadata() {
if (size $.metadata) {

Also, I have a tag list in my sidebar. How can I remove the usage count without switching to a tag cloud? Or, if that's not possible, is there a way to make all the text in a cloud the same size?

sidebar, header, issues, tags

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