in response to
s2expressive post.
class MyClass {
function quicksort(string[] list, int start, int end) : string[];
function quicksort(string[] list) : string[];
# #
#// These two functions perform sorting capabilities
#// Credit goes to 'Tony Chang '
#// See: % Partitions then recursively calls.
#// % Tested up to 172 sortable elements in a string array
function MyClass::quicksort(string[] list, int start, int end) : string[] {
if ($end <= $start) {
return $list;
#// Pick a pivot and move to the front
var int pivot = rand($start, $end);
var string tmp = $list[$start];
$list[$start] = $list[$pivot];
$list[$pivot] = $tmp;
#// Now Partition
var int left = ($start + 1);
var int right = $end;
foreach var int i ($start .. ($end - 2)) {
if ($list[$left] > $list[$start]) {
#// Swap the left and the right, then move the right back
$tmp = $list[$left];
$list[$left] = $list[$right];
$list[$right] = $tmp;
} else {
# put the pivot back in the middle
if ($list[$start] < $list[$left]) {
#// Swap $start and ($left - 1)
$tmp = $list[$start];
$list[$start] = $list[($left - 1)];
$list[($left - 1)] = $tmp;
$pivot = ($left - 1);
} else {
#// Swap $start and $left
$tmp = $list[$start];
$list[$start] = $list[$left];
$list[$left] = $tmp;
$pivot = $left;
#// Sort either side of the pivot
$list = $this->quicksort($list, $start, ($pivot - 1));
$list = $this->quicksort($list, ($pivot + 1), $end);
return $list;
#// Recursing Function
function MyClass::quicksort(string[] list) : string[] {
return $this->quicksort($list, 0, size $list - 1);
# #
function TagsPage::print_body() {
var TagDetail[] tags = $this->visible_tag_list(); # get available tags
var TagDetail[]{} my_tags = {}; # repackage tags, group by use count
var string{}{} cloud = {}; # final package for individual tags
var string[] tag_names = []; # keep track of tag names that are in final set
var int max_count = 0; # keep track of max number of uses for any tag
var int max_list = 20; # max number of tags to list
# print opening to Expressive's TagsPage
print safe """$*text_tags_page_header
# cycle thru tags
foreach var TagDetail t ($tags) {
# get highest count
if($t.use_count > $max_count) {
$max_count = $t.use_count;
# get existing set of tags for this use count
var TagDetail[] array = $my_tags{$t.use_count};
# add this tag
$array[size($array)] = $t;
# save
$my_tags{$t.use_count} = $array;
# cycle thru sorted tags
foreach var int i (0 .. $max_count) {
# get tag group by use count
var TagDetail[] ts = $my_tags{$max_count - $i};
# if this use count has tags
if($ts) {
# cycle thru tags with this use count
foreach var TagDetail t ($ts) {
var string{} hash = {};
$hash{"url"} = $t.url; # copy url
$hash{"uses"} = $t.use_count + ""; # copy use count
$hash{"sec"} = $t.visibility; # copy security/visibility
$hash{"size"} = ($t.use_count > 1) ? (((($t.use_count * 16) / $max_count) + 7) + "") : "7"; # calculate font size
$cloud{$} = $hash; # add hash to cloud
$tag_names[size($tag_names)] = $; # add tag name to final set record
# decrement max list var because we've added a tag to the final set
# if we're at the end of the list, stop adding more
if($max_list <= 0) {
# if we're at the end of the list, stop adding more
if($max_list <= 0) {
# instantiate MyClass object
var MyClass mc = new MyClass;
# sort tag names
$tag_names = $mc->quicksort($tag_names);
# cycle thru final set
foreach var string name ($tag_names) {
var string{} hash = $cloud{$name}; # get tag data
var string url = $hash{"url"}; # get url
var string uses = $hash{"uses"}; # get uses
var string sec = $hash{"sec"}; # get security/visibility
var string size = $hash{"size"}; # get font size
var string alt = $uses + " use" + (int($uses) != 1 ? "s" : "") + ", " + $sec; # built alt string
# put it all together
$name """;