When someone goes to view your friends page they will come up with this error. This is to stop people from snooping around in the journals that you read. While this doesnt bother most, Some people feel voileted or (inserts other feelings here).
To see an example of this please visit
here In order to make this work you must follow the instructions on this
page Red is things you can customize
Black is very important please do not remove
Green are my comments
#First you have to overwrite the RecentPage function
#This is error free so insert this at the bottom of your theme layer and hit compile.
#I have inserted my own html please feel free to use it or change it to suit your needs.
function RecentPage::print_body () {
foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
if ((size $.entries) == 0) {
Where did the entries go? Have they up and ran away?
The page you were trying to view does not have any entries.
Below are some common reasons for this to occur.
If you were attempting to access my friends page
My friends page is separated into sections, To get to the public sections, please
choose one of the following:
I am amused by this function :)