those of you using the code in
this entry or those of you who have overridden Page::print_entry(Entry e) or EntryPage::print_comment(Comment e) are prolly getting errors when you view entries or reply to comments. the following edits should fix that.
in EntryPage::print_comment(Comment e):
if (not $e.full) {
# Collapsed mode
var string subject = $e.subject;
if ($subject == "") { $subject = $*text_nosubject; }
$subject - ";
# print lang_posted_by_date_and_time($e.poster, $e.time, true, true, true);
print lang_posted_by_date_and_time($e, $e.poster, $e.time, true, true, true);
}also in EntryPage::print_comment(Comment e):
var string sep = "|";
# print lang_posted_by_date_and_time($e.poster, $e.time, true, true, true)+" $sep ";
print lang_posted_by_date_and_time($e, $e.poster, $e.time, true, true, true)+" $sep ";
$*text_permalink";in Page::print_entry(Entry e):
if ($showdate or $showtime or $showposter) {
# print lang_posted_by_date_and_time($e.poster, $e.journal, $e.time, $showposter, $showdate, $showtime)+" $sep ";
print lang_posted_by_date_and_time($e, $e.poster, $e.journal, $e.time, $showposter, $showdate, $showtime)+" $sep ";