Random Babble #1

Dec 03, 2006 10:36



Secondly, my HTML and CSS book wins the universe <3 x).

Thirdly: GITANS ♥♥♥ 8D! Best music ever!

So it's been a pretty eventful week. On Thursday, I went into the city with my mate Kitty, and subsequently returned with a sparkly new naval piercing 8D. Despite the fact that it likes to cause as much discomfort as possible, it is awesome. But I'm sure my pain is nothing compared to Kitty's, who - although it must be said that she has no love for pain - went and got herself an industrial bar through her right ear. Needless to say, she spent the day in agony x). Especially seeing as just the previous Saturday, she had a hole stuck in her upper lip xDD.

Thus, with a grand total of ten holes in various places of her anatomy (nowhere nasty, we assure you ;P), she is officially a metal detector's worst nightmare. I'm getting close, with seven punctures and a planned eighth, ninth, and tenth once my birthday rocks around. I'ma totally show Mum that nose piercings can look sexy 8D. And then get my ears done again x). I would go for a laberet, but I think Dad would die if I put too many holes in my face.

Srsly >.>.

On Saturday, after waiting for about six months, we went to see (OMGOMGOMG) Cirque de Soleil's Varekai ♥. "Awesome" does not even begin to describe it's complete and utter awesomeness. And the music was played live! The musicians walked around the tiers, and it was just plain fantastic x). My sister-monster and I had an argument over who would be taking the main character (affectionate nicknamed "Bird Boy" xDD) home. She was also very taken with the Frenchman's muscles xDD, and she's twelve years old >.>. But the Atherton brothers ♥ (aerial straps - they are damn good!) win for hotness. And I thought they were hot way back when I saw them on SBS. Live, well - that was sexy in a whole new dimension 8D ;P. Even Mum thought so - when they had finished their second act and were hanging around up the top of the tent, we three lovelorn ladies sat there with our heads tilted back for the entire segment. I can't even remember what was going on onstage xDD. The sister-monster and I commenced to argue about who would get the brother that was closest to us xDD. The show went for two hours, and it was the most amazing spectacle I've ever witnessed, despite the fact the performers were obviously tired and made a few mistakes (ever seen those acrobats that get flipped around on their partner's feet? One of the guys missed completely and fell sideways. It was a remarkably graceful fall, but after that, I was terrified that one of them was going to fall and break his neck and die xDD). The sheer acrobatic talent, and precision, and the MUSIC and the COSTUMES that went into it - awesome to the nth degree. Grandma bought me the CD as an early birthday present, hence the passionate proclamation of love for Gitans at the beginning of my rambling ;D. I've now played it about five times in a row xDD.

Saturday also marked the complete construction of the pool we bought in February, after a disastrous attempt (by Dad xDD) to erect it that almost ended up with the whole thing being ruined. Needless to say, Mum wasn't a happy camper that fun weekend x). But, with my belly bar, I can't go swimming for two weeks xDD. It's probably better to wait anyway, seeing as we had to pump dam water into it, and the stuff is infested with duck lice, as the sister-monster found out this morning. It will be nice and clean and sparkly once we've flocced it, hopefully in time for my birthday 8D!

And today, we met some relatives for the first time. So, to Andrew, Kerry, Jim, and Colwyn - welcome to the family xDD! The circumstances under which we finally became acquainted were just plain crazy: Andrew (related to us on my father's side) was a client of my mother's father, who is an accountant. During some normal run-of-the-mill business, Andrew - completely oblivious of my grandfather's connection to Dad's family - happened to mention that he was researching said family, and bang - instant relatives xDD. Turns out he also might be related to my mother's family by marriage. AND Colwyn's husband used to be a teacher at the old school just down the road from where we now live xDD. The moment they saw Dad (who has a very distinctive profile xDD), they made an instant family connection - turns out Dad has their grandmother's nose 8D.

Of course, myself, my sister, my cousin, and her boyfriend all got kicked outside because there wasn't enough room at the dining table for us, so we didn't actually have very much to do with our new family xDD. Funny - the majority of us are adults, yet we still get booted out to the "kiddies' table" when there isn't enough real-estate for us at the "adults' table" >.> xDD. Lacking any captivating topics of conversation, I mashed my lunch with my fork, while Erin tried to foist her unwanted chicken on Aaron and the sister-monster made out with the wrapper off the bottle of lemonade (which she bought for the sole reason it features a picture of "Bird Boy" xDD). Aaron and I reminisced over our brief period as classmates in grade five, during which Aaron was a jerk and I (having a mad crush on him xDD) was his prey of choice xDD. We had a chuckle over the P.E teacher, struggled to recall old foes friends, and recalled the pool-side incident of the acrobatic underpants. That conversation soon fell over and died, and we went back to our erstwhile silence, punctuated with Aaron's random statements about stuff and my continued mutilation of what was formerly known as my noontime repast. I crowed in triumph as I poked a fly that was investigating the pizza-crust ruins of Aaron's lunch, tried and failed to make small-talk, and subsequently contented myself with stabbing my plate, which was actually quite amusing (small things... ;D).

Andrew had also constructed an entire family tree on his laptop. Jenny and Richard were the only ones who really resembled any of our predecessors. So we oohed and ahhed over that for a while, then browsed some photographs, and then went to enviously ogle Tim's sexy new motorbike. It cost twenty-two grand... >.> You could buy a bloody car with that kind of cash. Maybe it's part of a belated mid-life crisis xDD?

And then a storm blew in and it started pissing down and we left 8D.

And thus concludes this week's tale of my life n__n.

awesome, random, weekend, family

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