Angelz> cya bskfdhdt
Hoopy> can I buy a vowel? :/
Thought> i am about to sell the oldest disks in the world :d
Hoopy> those 5 1/4 inch floppys moses saved the 10 command prompts on?
a_passerby> and although she has never given me written consent to check her legs, i most certainly have
flatface> lol
Saotome_Ranma> testosterone alert
Saotome_Ranma> woo woo
Saotome_Ranma> passerb is becoming horny :o
a_passerby> testosterone makes the world go round
a_passerby> estrogen makes the world mad and unfriendly
Everdraed> Says the person who just went through twenty plus pages of Winnie the Pooh hentai
+Starvin`Marvin> over here in my country , im a real sex object
+RonaldMcD|afk> looool
+Starvin`Marvin> whenever i ask girls for sex ... they object
+Bastaard> LOL!
Neo-Tokyo> wouldnt you say suicide is a permenant solution to a temporary problem?
`[6]> I'm a Buddhist, I'd say suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.