Several issues-- tag links, comment text area, Internet Explorer vs. Firefox

Jan 09, 2010 15:29

I've been working on a new layout for a while now, and I've almost got it the way I want it, but I still have a few issues remaining that I don't think I can fix myself.

You can view my theme layer here, as well as view the layout itself. I'm using a paid account.

1) I can't for the life of me get the tags in my currents to be the color I want-- they're currently the color of all the other links on the page when I want them to be a different color. I used the metadata tutorial to make my tags list the last entry in my metadata, so I know I'm supposed to use .currenttags to change the color, but it only partially works. For some reason the tags list that have already been visited are the color I want, so the .currenttags a:visited command works, but trying to use .currenttags and .currenttags a, etc. in the same way doesn't work. Shrug?

2) The text area for typing in a comment reply is not within the comment box area for threaded comments. To put it simpler, it works for parent comments but in subsequent replies in a thread the comment box shrinks but the text area doesn't. I've tried fiddling with the textarea width percentage but it doesn't seem to do anything.

3) The "reply to comment" page (the page you go to when you do quick reply and hit "more options") has a problem where the comment referenced has no padding. It's fine if you do "more options" to reply to an entry-- the entry will have the proper padding-- it's just for some reason comments featured on the reply page don't have padding around the text. I tried changing .reply but that didn't do anything.

4) I've been building this layout in Firefox, and it looks perfect in that browser, but a host of issues crop up when I view it in Internet Explorer. Specifically:

a) The header and navigation links are all out of alignment. They're aligned the way I want in Firefox, but in IE there's a huge gap between the header and topbar, and the nav links are also higher way higher than the topbar when they should be at the same level.

b) In IE, there's a lighter band at the bottom of entries as if the transparent entry background is doubling up on itself, which doesn't happen in FF. This only happens in IE on entries with metadata, so that gives a clue to the problem but I don't know how to go about fixing it without messing up how it looks in FF.

c) In IE the topbar has a black background, while in FF it's transparent like I want.

Oof. Well, I think that covers everything. Sorry for having the most buggy layout in all the land, but I really appreciate any help! :)

lj and browser issues, metadata, tags

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