Date Format

May 03, 2009 20:53

I want to change my date to appear like May 3rd, 2009 at 6:00 pm. I've checked out the tags but I can't seem to get things to work. I already have a themelayer. Would I have to merge something with it? I've posted it below. I have a paid account.

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "";

function Page::lay_print_header()
"Prints header"
var Page page = get_page();
var string title = $this->title();

# by default, LJ can print the following links in the header navigation:
# userinfo ... the profile page
# recent ..... the recent entries page
# friends .... the friends page (no filter)
# archive .... the calendar (current year page)
# tags ....... the visible tags page
# the skiplinks are not available in the header by default, but were added by this tutorial:
# forward .... the 'skip a number of entries forward' link (younger entries)
# back ....... the 'skip a number of entries back' link (older entries)

# specify the URL of any additional links you'd like to show up in the header navigation
# of LJ default links that you'd like to override (except skiplinks)
# (e.g. to link to a friends filter rather than the normal friends page)
# if you don't want to change anything, leave empty curly braces {};
var string{} links = { };

# specify the order in which the links are supposed to show up (use "|" to add linebreaks):
var string[] order = ["userinfo", "recent", "friends", "archive"];

# specify the link text: can be text or an image tag ( ... please use single quotes around the URL)
# or leave blank to use the text set in the Customization Wizard for the default links and skiplinks
# (custom links will show as "Unknown View" if left blank)
var string{} text = { "userinfo" => "User information", "recent" => "Recent Entries", "friends" => "Friends", "archive" => "Calendar" };

# link current view: set wether or not you want the current view
# (e.g. the navigation item saying Friends while you're on your friends page)
# to be a link (set it to true) or not (set it to false).
var bool link_current_view = false;

# display website: set whether or not to print the website specified in the Customization Wizard
# (if set to true, website will always display as the very first link)
var bool display_website = true;

# --- do not edit beyond this point --- #

print """

date format, solved