comments subject and 'back to top' - SOLVED

Oct 04, 2008 23:45

I have two questions that I just can't find the answer to, even though I've looked all over the community. (Sorry if I missed something though.)

1) I have a paid community {the_host_novel} and I would like to be able to make just the subject of the comment much larger (much like it is on the default comments page). For example, in this post, I'd like to make the text "Pics for Next Week" 20px or something. I'd also like to remove the IP address if possible. SOLVED

2) I'd like to add a "back to top" link/button at the very bottom of the page. SOLVED

My theme layer is here, but I did most of the editing in CSS which I'll put in a textbox under the cut in case you need it..

/* BY: Minty_Peach -- (

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URL: #top;

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ARCHIVE PAGE/CALENDAR ******************************************/

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/*********************************************** HEADER IMAGE ******************************************/

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/*********************************************** COMMENT PAGES ******************************************/

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height: 15px;

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margin-top: 10px;
width: 100%;


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background: url(;

.box img[src=""]{
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background: url(;

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height:0; width:0;
padding: 0 16px 16px 0; /* the suggested height and width of tiny-icons is 16px */
background: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

Thank you in advance!

comments, solved, paid accounts

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