Let me say first off that I'm brand new to S2 and this theme layer thing has got me pulling my hair out. What was totally easy for me to do in S1 had become incredibly complicated. I've managed to piece together my layout except for one thing that's really bugging me. In my old layout I got my time and date stamp to display as just mm.dd.yy (like 02.24.07). Now I just can't make that happen. Additionally, I'm trying to switch the date to below the subject line, and I noticed there was a tutorial for it, but apparently it links to a different tutorial for a different thing. I've tried using the various tutorials posted here, but nothing would compile for me. I'm at a loss here folks, anyone able to help?
Theme Layer:
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "Heroes West Layout";
function print_entry(Page p, Entry e, Color bgcolor, Color fgcolor)
# Userpic
var string userpic = "";
if ($*show_entry_userpic)
if ($p.view == "friends")
if (defined $e.userpic)
$userpic = $userpic + """
if ($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username)
$userpic = $userpic + " in $e.journal.name";
$userpic = $userpic + "\">";
elseif ($p.journal_type == "C" and $p.view == "recent")
if (defined $e.userpic)
$userpic = $userpic + """
if (defined $e.userpic)
$userpic = $userpic + """
print """
if (($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type != "C" ) or $p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "day")
print """$userpic""";
if ($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type == "C" )
print """$userpic""";
# Poster
if ($p.view == "friends")
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.poster;
#print "$e.poster.username";
base_url() + "\">";
elseif ($p.journal_type == "C" and $p.view == "recent")
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.poster;
#print "$e.poster.username";
base_url() + "\">";
if ($p.view == "friends" and $e.poster.username != $e.journal.username)
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.journal;
base_url() + "\">";
if ($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type == "C")
print "
if ($p.view != "recent" and $p.view != "entry" and $p.view != "day")
print """
# Date, time, subject
set lang_fmt_date_long = "%%ddd%% . %%mm%% . %%yy%%";
if ($e.security != "")
$e.text """;
# Currents
var string currents ="";
# Comments
var Link edit;
var Link mem;
if ($p.view != "entry" or $p.view != "reply")
$edit = $e->get_link("edit_entry");
$mem = $e->get_link("mem_add");
if (defined $edit )
print """$*text_edit | """;
print """$*text_memories""";
if ($p.view != "entry" or $p.view != "reply")
elseif ($e.comments.enabled)
" ";