[paid accounts] Connected Comments

May 31, 2006 01:30

This tutorial (for paid accounts only) adds linking lines between comments, so that your eye has an easier time following branched threads. The code can also be customized to reduce the amount of indentation used to indicate comment depth, so that your long comment threads don't span so much horizontal space, or get squished. See preview image:

Thumbnail )

!tutorial, !old, comments, paid accounts

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Comments 32

ripps818 May 31 2006, 13:44:56 UTC
Do you have a link to the arrow image used in the examples?


murklinstest May 31 2006, 16:22:01 UTC
I made several arrows of varying amounts of grayness, to see what worked best with the PalImg tinting. The one I settled on was this one, I think: http://pics.livejournal.com/murklinstest/pic/0000xyqg/g2

Since your border is white, a pure white one might be better for you, but you'd have to try it out. :)


ripps818 May 31 2006, 16:52:25 UTC
Naw, looks fine.


murklinstest May 31 2006, 16:56:22 UTC
Why, so it does!


ripps818 May 31 2006, 15:28:05 UTC
Also, it appears that this doesn't work with quick reply code.


s2flexisquared May 31 2006, 15:31:15 UTC
Didn't think to check that out. What happens when you use both that and quickreply code? What breaks?


ripps818 May 31 2006, 15:34:07 UTC
The quick reply box simply doesn't show up, it takes me to the ReplyPage instead.
So I removed the code.


afuna May 31 2006, 15:36:06 UTC
Hm, could you put it back in and then show me your theme layer? Thanks :)


lovenote January 26 2007, 03:56:52 UTC
Hi, I'm actually just looking for a way to make my comments shift. If you look here-- see how I've replied to comments and they don't move over to the right at all? I hope I'm making sense. This is driving me nuts and I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks in advance.


snakeling January 26 2007, 10:07:29 UTC
If you look closely, they are indented on the right side, not the left side. If you want them to be indented on the left side, you need to go to the Customisation page, and choose "Right" for "Set the user picture position for each entry". If you still want the userpic to be on the left, you need to add this to your CSS:
.userpic, .userpicfriends, .userpiccomment {
float: left;


lovenote January 26 2007, 17:22:03 UTC
I deleted the previous comment. I got it fixed, thank you. :]


blueboxfever July 15 2008, 15:55:05 UTC
Fantastic, this is just what I was looking for. Sometimes I have long conversations in the shape of comments and the more replies I get, the weirder my comment page looks.

Also, is there a code somewhere to get rid of/alter the shape of that ugly black bar between the entry and the 'post a new comment' link on the comment pages?


kittenspit January 27 2009, 03:15:18 UTC
Thanks! I've been looking for this.

One of my communities uses a Plus account; is there any way I can do something like this for that account type without using Layers?

I noticed that on the comment pages, the following is already appended to a comment reply: style="margin-right: 30px"


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