"Permalink", "Edit", "Add to Memories" images; putting tag list into left sidebar

May 28, 2006 23:58

SOLVED. 1. Right now I'm using this code to replace my comment links with images, and this tutorial to add Permalink, Edit, and Add to Memories links to posts. Is there a way to combine these two and replace the Permalink, Edit, and Add to Memories links with images?

SOLVED. 2. OK, problem. I added a second sidebar with no problem, using this tutorial. Then I tried to use this and place a tag list in my left sidebar, which didn't work.
So I tried to remove it by deleting the code I had put in for the tag list, and got

Compile error: line 144, column 10: Unexpected token found. Expecting: [TokenPunct] = (
Got: [TokenIdent] = Page
S2::Node, S2/Node.pm, 139
S2::NodeArguments, S2/NodeArguments.pm, 25
S2::NodeTerm, S2/NodeTerm.pm, 450
S2::NodeIncExpr, S2/NodeIncExpr.pm, 41
S2::NodeTypeCastOp, S2/NodeTypeCastOp.pm, 29
S2::NodeInstanceOf, S2/NodeInstanceOf.pm, 29
S2::NodeUnaryExpr, S2/NodeUnaryExpr.pm, 40
S2::NodeProduct, S2/NodeProduct.pm, 28
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 31
S2::NodeRelExpr, S2/NodeRelExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeEqExpr, S2/NodeEqExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeLogAndExpr, S2/NodeLogAndExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeLogOrExpr, S2/NodeLogOrExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeRange, S2/NodeRange.pm, 29
S2::NodeCondExpr, S2/NodeCondExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeAssignExpr, S2/NodeAssignExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeExpr, S2/NodeExpr.pm, 29
S2::NodeExprStmt, S2/NodeExprStmt.pm, 28
S2::NodeStmt, S2/NodeStmt.pm, 55
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/NodeStmtBlock.pm, 42
S2::NodeIfStmt, S2/NodeIfStmt.pm, 35
S2::NodeStmt, S2/NodeStmt.pm, 38
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/NodeStmtBlock.pm, 42
S2::NodeFunction, S2/NodeFunction.pm, 104
S2::Layer, S2/Layer.pm, 58
S2::Compiler, S2/Compiler.pm, 27


140: print_sidebar_linklist();
141: print_sidebar_calendar();
142: }
144: function Page::print() {
145: var string title = $this->title();
147: # sidebar position
148: # set to left to only show left

It's very possible I've just deleted something I shouldn't have or NOT deleted something I should have. I'd like to know how to fix this AND how to actually put the tag list into the left sidebar, if possible. Thank you!

Link to theme layer.

entry comment bar, sidebar, header and footer, tags

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