Ne LJ Nav Menus

Jul 20, 2015 10:57

I'm wondering if there is a way to edit the new Nav Menu's? Just colors would be good. I don't want to alter them fundamentally but just the hideous colors that are clashing with my LJs.

I had come up with some coding on my own which worked all of a weekend and then my LJ went haywire...
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lj and browser issues

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london_fan July 20 2015, 23:52:05 UTC
You ultimately can edit the new navbar, but I'd personally recommend to wait at least until LJ stops changing things around so much. They still want to add the filter function back to the old friends page with the next update. In the meantime they still seem to implement a lot of minor changes continually. I modified some code, too, but LJ changed the source code overnight, screwing up my whole layout, just like yours. So chances are that will happen again and again if you change the navbar at the moment (checking just now I detected two other new changes in the source code compared to less than two days ago ( ... )


sireesanwar July 21 2015, 17:15:56 UTC
That makes a lot of sense. It also messed with a journal that had a fixed header menu at the top of the screen. That is very frustrating.

Anyways, thank you for the quick response and if you do figure it all out when they stop changing things... please share because I really want to change the way this stuff is looking too.

Many thanks!


london_fan July 21 2015, 18:10:08 UTC
Yeah, same here. I'm using various layouts on my journal and comms and they all work with different "header solutions". Some have simple headerimages, others have background-images turned into fake headers, so they all look(ed) messed-up in different ways. I've done some interim fixing by increasing the top-margin for now, so the new navbar isn't overlaying anything important anymore, but now people still using the old design are probably wondering about all the negative space there.

That's really the one thing I find most annoying: there isn't just one single look for all journals now; people who use the old design still see the old small conrolstrip whereas people using the new design see the bulky new navbar. So you'll have to consider both groups now if you're making layouts!

Don't worry, I'll come back here if work something out and let you know.


sireesanwar July 21 2015, 18:42:03 UTC
OMG! I'm so mad at LJ for that. That is the most annoying thing I've ever heard. All those layouts! All that work. Grrrr.

I feel your pain.


london_fan July 21 2015, 22:21:42 UTC
Yeah, it's a real nightmare for all layout makers out here if they actually want to adapt their layouts to these changes here. Hopefully we'll be able to work out an easy and functional fix with CSS soon. Even if I still haven't figured out how to deal with the "there are two different navbars now" challenge!

Thanks. To look on the bright side: as long as LJ forces me to adapt my layouts again and again my coding skills won't go completely rusty! ;)


sireesanwar July 22 2015, 17:36:56 UTC
That is true.

I've checked some of the layouts on my comms and my journal and they appear to be the same with the old design and the new which is great. However, on a couple the old nav bar has a gap above it which at this point I don't even care about. The frustration level is so high.


london_fan July 22 2015, 17:51:46 UTC
Oh, you just reminded me of something I thought about late last night:

If I'm not completely mistaken you were one of the people who proposed a fix to the gap below the (old) navbar that went something like this:

.lj-view-friends { margin-top: -23px; }.

People still using that code most likely will see a screwed up navbar on their friends pages... just saying. I had worked out a different fix for my own journal, but not with CSS but rather by changing a function in my theme layer, so the margin change would only apply if the viewer is the owner of the journal, since the gap was only appearing for the journal owner. In my case that specific 'code fix' didn't work well with the new navbar, so I suspect that people using your fix from above might experience similar issues with screwed-up navbars on their friends pages.

Just mentioning it, in case that issue might have come up among your followers! :)


sireesanwar July 24 2015, 01:00:27 UTC
That was me. So I remember this and I think I posted your warning about messing with the gap right in that post.

I think if anyone comes to me with issues... I'll let them know.


*butts in* fueschgast July 21 2015, 21:58:00 UTC
Wait, there's still the old design too? Oh god, I swear LJ is trying to fuck with us. I don't know I'm supposed to make my layouts work for for everyone.

Great icon, btw! I should paper my wall with that. Stay calm, stay calm!


Re: *butts in* london_fan July 21 2015, 22:10:26 UTC
Yes, the old design is still thee, too! I did a literal headdesk when I realized the full implication for all my layouts. That is the real nightmare about this change in my opinion. At this point I'm actually glad I never got around to publicly share my layouts, because then I'd feel obligated to "fix" them now, but how if people see different versions of the navbar, depending on their choice of page design?!

Well, I had already deleted all the CSS pertaining to the old design at that point, so I added it again and switched back to the old design to check how that looks with the added space on top to accommodate the new navbar (spoiler alert: not good). If you want to check it out for yourself you can switch back to the old design in your settings here (link at the bottom). If you do so, an additional banner will appear at the top with a link back to the new design, so you can actually switch back and forth, even if it's a bit complicated ( ... )


Re: *butts in* sireesanwar July 22 2015, 17:38:24 UTC
LOL Screw it... snorts.


Re: *butts in* london_fan July 23 2015, 19:57:23 UTC
Hee, you couldn't know it, but this comment actually gave me the final push to go through with it and make those icons!

Anyway, if you want to link to the poll on your layout site(s), please do so. I hope it will give us layout makers some interesting input about what design people use and how they deal with the new navigation menu.


Re: *butts in* sireesanwar July 24 2015, 01:04:03 UTC
LOL Okay I took the first one and I think I have to use it.


Re: *butts in* fueschgast July 26 2015, 20:32:49 UTC
But aren't the old and new navigation strips different from each other (one is a div, the other is in a header tag, also they have different class names - at least the last time I looked) and it should be possible to make layouts work well with both version?

What bothers me more is the that all the ad containers are now there even though only one kind of placement can be active at a time. That's really screwing with some of my layouts.


Re: *butts in* london_fan July 26 2015, 20:43:59 UTC
It should be possible, and I think you just made a little lightbulb go off in my head about how I might try to fix my layouts to accommodate both versions. Thanks!

OMG, I didn't have time to look into this issue yet, but I think you just gave me the explanation why some of my layouts suddenly looked screwed up in IE after this change. I use Adblock on Firefox, so things look just fine there, but everything is a couple of pixels off in IE. Additional ad containers might explain this. I'll definitely look into this.


Re: *butts in* london_fan July 21 2015, 22:16:09 UTC
I don't know I'm supposed to make my layouts work for for everyone.
Well, of course you're not! No layout maker is or should be obliged to do so. With all the recent LJ changes it's close to impossible.

It's still something I'd like to do for my layout on my own journal. I just want it to look "right" for everyone and not have things look weird, cut off or overlap for some people, you know?


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