Userpics in comments and on friends page - SOLVED

Oct 02, 2012 17:15

Help! I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I swear I checked and couldn't find this in the help pages. Because I was told my post was all over the place, I'm editing the wording of it.

SOLVED - What I need help with: When I view a friends entry "Leave a Comment" page the icon ends up being way far away from the entry. It's supposed to be closer to the text. If you look at my regular page, you can see the usericon is supposed to be nearly flush against the entry (about 2px away), but for some reason, when I go to the Leave a Comment page, it adds like an extra icon's worth of space in there. - SOLVED

Let me show you an image:

I'm having my icons float to the right. And I noticed that their margins keep differing just kind of really upsets me, because I worked forever, and I thought it had been perfect, but then I had to change the size a bit, because I noticed that some comms had images that were just a bit too large (ugh annoying) so I had to change it so it wouldn't look ugly :(.

Anyways, Long story short, I changed it. And now it seems that the userpics spacing/margin seem to vary slightly. I thought this may have been an issue with the tags running too long, but I 'fixed that' and now it seems like that is not the case. Soooo... does anyone have any advice? I think it may have to do with the usernames being too long? But I'm not sure how to fix that (should I just expand the padding around the icons?).
SOLVED. I just made the font smaller, I was right usernames were too long.

Below is my CSS. Thank you again for any help you can give!

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entry usericon and username, solved

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