userheads hidden?

Feb 27, 2012 15:18

I have been helping my friend with the code for her layout for a couple of days.  Usually, we've been able to figure out everything we need to figure out to tweak it to her liking, but we just can't figure this one out.

When she goes to her friends page, the userheads and community...heads(?) don't show up.  They've been hidden or something, but I can't for the life of me figure out where.  I thought maybe it was an override, but I didn't see anything that would effect it this way.  Then I thought maybe I could just add in an override, so that it could maybe cancel out whatever code was hiding the userheads, but that didn't work either.


Her account is paid, but if there's a free account option for fixing this, we'd prefer that.

This is a link to download her code in full, our tweaks and all.

She is a private person and doesn't want me to post her username, but I am using the same layout with the same issue, though it hasn't bothered me up to this point.  But if you want to see what I'm talking about, you can go to my friends page here.


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