[Solved] Header and currents.

Jan 30, 2012 15:08

One of this questions was asked before by a friend since I didn't want to clutter the community with my questions. It wasn't answered though so I will ask again. I also have another question regarding currents, so I thought I would add it here also.

1) I'm leaving my code below. As you can see the navigation and the first entry are stuck together (example). I want to add a space between the menu and my first entry but I'm not sure how. Something small like the dividers I have between each entry (example). Is there a way I can fix this? It's driving me nuts.

MADE BY: minty_peach
LAYOUT ID: Daylily Dreams #80
DO NOT STEAL. Fer seriously.

/*--- HEADER IMAGE ---*/

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/*--- title & subtitle ---*/

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/*--- TAGS PAGE LAYOUT ---*/

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text-align: left;

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color: #aaaaaa;

H2 {
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margin-left: auto;
padding: 25px;

/*--- ENTRY, SUB CONTENT ---*/

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text-transform: lowercase;

.subject a:hover {
color: #777777;

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border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc;

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background-color: transparent;

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padding: 5px;
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/*--- ARCHIVE PAGE ---*/

text-align: center;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

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color: #aaaaaa;
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padding: 2px;

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/*--- COMMENT PAGES ---*/

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2) So I figured out how to add a space between the entry and the currents, but that leaves me with a big space between the tags and the currents. The tags stay up beneath the entry while the rest of the currents move down like I want them to. Is there a way to move the tags down with the rest of the currents and keep them all aligned while still having a space between them and the entry?

Thank you!

metadata, solved, header and footer, tags, entries

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