Prevent post subject appending to journal title; customize images

Oct 14, 2011 22:31

Hi, apologies if this has been asked before, I did a quick search and didn't see any matches.

This is for a paid account, where the posts use the journal's style...

How can I show only the journal title in the .title class, rather than "[journal title] - [post subject]"?  If the post subject is appended the text in that class can become very long and unwieldy, plus it's redundant since the post will show its own subject right below the header anyway.

It's possible that there's an option somewhere in here that I can't see, as I'm working on a free account.

Thanks if you can help

What's the proper syntax for controlling images whose sources contain a specified string? I have seen stuff like
img[src*="userinfo.gif"] {
/* do stuff */
but when I tried it, it did not match all images whose sources contained, or even ended in "userinfo.gif". I ended up just taking out the star and specifying the full image path.

subject, header and footer

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