[SOLVED] Custom font won't display in Firefox

Oct 01, 2011 03:23

I'm coding my first layout (though it's not my first time working with LJ layout codes) and everything's basically going fine. The only problem I've come across is that Firefox refuses to show the custom font I'm using as my accent font (header nav, h tags, journal entry title, and footer nav). I've tried everything I can think of, as well as ( Read more... )

lj and browser issues, solved, misc

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yourxpridex October 1 2011, 19:17:23 UTC
So realized you must have a custom layer in place so those who are logged in see a different layout than those who are signed out. Took me for freaking ever to figure that out, lol. I was really perplexed by how different it all looked between Chrome and Firefox. It's Saturday, I'm allow to be slow, right?

Anyway, I see what you mean by the layout going wonky now and it looks like it's a limitation of LJ (someone correct me if I'm wrong) and not necessarily the code or the approach as it seems to work on sites outside of LJ just fine.

Kind of a bummer really. :/ I'm going to keep looking into this, but right now it kind of looks like it's going to fall into the "shit I could not solve" category. Stupid Firefox, people should just switch to Chrome already, heh.

Sorry I wasn't much of a help. Maybe someone else will come along with a better solution.

As for the AIM... I was like WTF, I have AIM? I guess I do. :P I don't mind if you add me at all although the odds of you seeing me on there is pretty slim to none.

OH! And thanks for your lovely comment on my LJ layout. It was a weekend project a few months back where I basically harassed the hell out of the livejournal layers. The colors I owe to http://www.colourlovers.com/ because yeah, I can't match colors to save my life.

Annnnnndddddd another side note concerning distributing this layout: when it comes to hosting fonts, space really isn't the problem, bandwidth is. I would be EXTREMELY mindful of this when it comes time to share. Watch your stats carefully the first few days to make sure it's not going to bring down your site. If it look like it might (meaning your bandwidth skyrockets), you'll need to find an alternative font host. :)

Ok, enough lecturing. I'm going to have lunch and will probably pick at this a little bit later because I'm a geeky loser who has nothing else to do on a Saturday. ;)


tessisamess October 1 2011, 19:38:45 UTC
Oh, we have unlimited bandwidth on the plan that site is hosted with, so I wasn't too worried about that.

It's just. The weirdest fucking thing, you know? And I just saw another layout that has a custom font used in places, so I looked at it on Firefox and it displayed perfectly. I looked at the code, but I didn't see anything very different from my original one, or that one font I have on a different LJ that does display on Firefox. I even tried replacing SunshineinmySoul with a different font before posting here, with no luck (obviously).

(The layout I stumbled across is here, from user complications-g. Her font "Lobster Two" displayed flawlessly on both Chrome and Firefox for me.)

Have a nice lunch!


yourxpridex October 1 2011, 20:47:17 UTC
So I poked around in her CSS, and saw that she's relying on Google to serve up the font to FF. Quite brilliant on her part. The HUGE downside is that Google only supports 257 fonts and SunshineinmySoul is not one of those fonts.

Check out Google Web Fonts to see what they support.

adamlay - is where I tested using Google to handle the font. The font I picked...leaves a lot to be desired, unfortunately but you get the idea.


tessisamess October 2 2011, 05:45:18 UTC
Ohhhh, that could definitely work. I'm sure out of 257 fonts they'll have something I like.

I'm gonna go ahead and use Cedarville Cursive (I'm familiar with the font maker's other fonts, so), but if I don't like it I have two backups picked. Buuut I'm gonna do it after I wake up enough to do more than durr hurr at my screen. Will update (probably needing hand-holding lmao) one I do!

Edit: Aaaalrighty. Over an hour later (I think) and still no luck.

Edit 2: Welp, disregard the last edit, I guess. Firefox has suddenly decided it likes my Google-served font just fine. Maybe it was my cache this time around.


yourxpridex October 2 2011, 16:23:35 UTC
Woot! Glad you were able to get it all worked out. :) As another side note, there are a few other services that act like Google Font (with tons more fonts) however you have to pay for them, which is very :(

The sad thing is, it doesn't seem like this will ever change. Firefox doesn't allow this for security reason so bleg. Oh, and IE9 decided to move that route as well. As we move closer and closer to widespread cloud uptake, I'm really confused by this stance...but whatever.


tessisamess October 2 2011, 16:28:41 UTC
Yeah, I saw some of those font sites, noticed the price tag, and was like "Well screw you too." For non-commercial stuff like LJ layouts it's just not worth the money. I have a kid and three stupid cats to feed, you know! *shakesfist*

I updated the post with how we (that is you) solved this with a step-by-step sort-of-guide, so hopefully that'll help anyone in the future who has the same problem. If you notice anything I forgot I'll add it in.

Anyway, yeah. Seriously, thank you for all the help. I never would've figured this out without it. Okay, so I might have, but it would have probably taken a lot longer lol.


yourxpridex October 2 2011, 16:40:41 UTC
No problem at all. Enjoyed geeking around. ;)


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