Display userpics only for Friends page and comments?

Sep 11, 2011 12:10

This is my first go-around with a custom CSS stylesheet, and I'm running into a few problems. What I would like is to have my posts display without a userpic but still have userpics on my Friends page and in the comments. This is what I had in my original LJ layout, but I'm not sure how or if I can make it happen with this one. What is currently happening is my userpic does not display on the Recent Entries pages (good!); on the entry's individual page, I get this for my userpic and this in the comments (not good); and on the Friends page, I get this (also not good).

I'm using a (very) slightly modified version of this layout and have a free account: http://mswn.livejournal.com/

Any help is appreciated, and please let me know if I need to supply any other information!

entry usericon and username

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