images spilling over into ajdacent posts

Jul 30, 2011 16:20

Account level: basic
Layout: gypsycaravan

Hi everyone! I went back many posts trying to find a solution to my issue and did not come across anything. Please forgive me if this has been discussed before and I did not see it.

I would like to edit my CSS in some manner that would force the entries posted on my friends page to have a height 15 pixels greater than the height of any image posted (or at the very least, a height equal to the height of any picture posted.) Right now, when I scroll through my flist and people have posted entries with pictures that have a greater height than the entry itself, it jumbles up the adjacent posts and looks like this: (the grey blocks are the images. I've just blurred them)

I don't want to have a fixed limit on how big pictures can be (basically, I don't want my layout to force *all* images to a certain size). I just want some kind of solution that will basically create white space at the bottom of an entry if the image is taller than the text so the image doesn't end up spilling over into the next entry. I'm hoping such a solution exists! And hopefully I explained this clearly enough. Any help is sincerely appreciated, thank you!


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