Poster+Comm name below usericon?

Oct 08, 2010 12:09

I've got a quick question here which, hopefully, can be easily answered!

I'm a theme layer newbie, but am trying hard to make use of these things to help bend LJ to my own desires, so if this requires an adjustment to my theme layer, please let me know (also, I'm not sure if I should post a link to the theme layer here or not? If so, I'll try to do so).

I've been trying to make the small usericons unique to users/communities display on the left of the username/commname, and after browsing through some back entries, I found THIS helpful entry and now have them displayed proudly.

However, now there are three rows below the userpic of each entry on a community:


the COMMUNITY (2) is the original theme coding for displaying a comm name. I'd like to remove it if possible--any idea on how to do that? At present, my #poster code is:

# Poster

if ($p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "reply")
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.poster;
#print "$e.poster.username";
base_url() + "\">";

elseif( $p.view == "friends")
""" + $e.poster->as_string() + "";

if ($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username)
@"""+ $e.journal->as_string() + "";

elseif ($p.journal_type == "C" and $p.view == "recent")
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.poster;
#print "$e.poster.username";
base_url() + "\">";
if (($p.view == "friends" or $p.view == "entry" or $p.view == "reply") and $e.poster.username != $e.journal.username)
var UserLite linkto;
$linkto = $e.journal;
@ base_url() + "\">";
if ($p.view == "recent" and $p.journal_type == "C")
print "
if ($p.view != "recent" and $p.view != "day")
print """

Also/Alternatively--and I'm pretty sure this is a looooong shot: is there any way to move the username/comm from below the usericon to beside it, preferably between the date (above) and subject line (below)?

Thanks for any and all potential help!

entry usericon and username, paid accounts

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