It's a two-for-one post this Friday!
The question has come up in the past about adding a margin or "gutter" under the userpic in entries (like it is in comments). Unfortunately for those with Basic/Plus accounts, this change requires modifying the print_entry() function a little.
Cut & Paste Code #1 )
So I've successfully moved my user icon into the subject of the post section, and I even tracked down this post about putting a color behind the subject of the post, and even read through the 'strike-through' part of the code thinking adding that might put it across the whole post, but it sort of didn't.
I want the entire subject line, user icon section to have like a block of color underneath it. So that it looks like a header to the post with the color block behind it.
Right now I have this CSS in there
.post-asset .asset-name a {
background-color: #e3e3e3;
Thank you in advance... again...
.asset-header {
background-color: #e3e3e3;
}instead of .page-header2,
.post-asset .asset-name a
Anyway, I figured out the padding placement for css, to keep my text from running into the icon... but if there was a way to have the alignment affect only the entry and not the comments would it be a simple thing? or a complicated thing?
.asset-inner .user-icon {
float: right;
padding: 10px;
}which isolates the icon in entries.
I really do appreciate all your patience and help and general CSS knowhow and all that.
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