SOLVED Minimal Black - Banner and Header size problems.

Aug 14, 2012 19:03


I'm a total rookie in expressive layouts and CSS codes, and my lj-english isn't perfect, so sorry for any stupid mistakes from my side.
My layout is Minimal Black in s2.

Problem is, after adjusting all names and quotes I tried to put some banner between line with links (friends, userinfo, archive) and header title. I use simplest code i found:

#header-inner { 
    background-image: url("image url");
height: 200px;
#header {
    background-image: none;

Unfortunately it put image behind other elements of header rather than beetween them. And because image is black and white, and so is header - whole thing become rather unreadable. I'm interested is there possibility to put banner image over header rather than behind it.

Thank you very much in advance for all help.



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