Gap between tags: and tag list!

Apr 12, 2010 00:15

I have gone through every entries:metadata tag on this community and tried all of the solutions that I found to try and fix this! So I'm entreating everyone here.

I have a gap between my tags and my header, and I want it gone! I'm using the California Poppy layout as base, but I've changed it alot. Most of the entries are friendslocked, but there are still a few that aren't so you can kind of see what's going on beyond the image. I've provided.

The code is a bit long, but this is what I've got in so far... (and I'm kind of not good at CSS at all and have done most of this by copy + paste.) I've done most of the stuff here through Custom CSS, but I do have a theme layer created. So someone, please help me fix this! Thank you.

layerinfo "type" = "user";
layerinfo "name" = "Auto-generated Customizations";
set layout_type = "3CM";
set customtext_title = ". . .";
set first_item = "customtext";
set sticky_subject = ". . . ";
set third_item = "userprofile";
set tag_display = "list";
set sixth_item = "none";
set sticky_post = "
set customtext_body = "Feeding on hate
Feeding on hope
Feeding on greed
Feeding on fear
Feeding on me
Feeding on you
Feeding on everyone
Feeding on everything
set second_item = "archive";
set entry_footer = "
set fifth_item = "none";
set custom_css = ".asset .asset-name-hover {display: none;}

.user-icon img {border: 3px solid #000000;}

#header-inner {
background-image: url(;
height: 313px;
background-color: #ffffff;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;

#container-inner, #header-inner {
width: 941px;}

#gamma {float: right;}

#header, #header-content {
background-image: none;}

#header-content-inner {
margin: 1px 1px 500px 155px;

#header-name a { font-size: 0px;

.designed-widget {
visibility: hidden;

#header .nav .item { border-left-color: #000000;}

.asset-body {
font-family: Times new roman, sans-serif;
color: #000000;
text-align: justify;

.nav .item {border-left-style: none;}

#header-text a {color: #000000;}

#header .nav a {font-weight: normal; color: #000000; font-size: 15px;
font-style: Times new roman;

a[href*=memories] {display: none;}

#content {margin-bottom: 0}

.stream-header .prevnext {display: none;}

.widget .widget-header a,
.post-asset .asset-name a {
font-family: Times new roman, serif;
font-weight: bold; text-align: center;
.profile-name {display: none;}
.widget-content .user-pic{
float: right;
text-align: right;}

.about-me-widget {text-align: right;}

.user-icon img, .widget .user-pic img {border: 3px solid #000000}

#header-name { display: none; }

.powered-widget {
display: none;

div.currentmusic, div.currentmood, div.currenttags, div.currentlocation {
margin: 0px 0px 4px 0px;

.currents strong img { float: left; }

#alpha {
width: 660px; /* Overall width minus sidebar width*/
.layout-tw #alpha-inner {
width: 620px; /* Width of #alpha minus 40px margins*/

ul.nav { bottom: 8px; }

.categories-widget ul {text-align: right;}

body {
background-color: #ffffff;
background-image: none;
background-repeat: repeat-x ;
background-attachment: fixed ;}

#header {
border-bottom: 0px;

.asset-tags {position: relative; top: -10px;}";

set text_meta_groups = "Groups";
set text_meta_location = "Location";
set text_meta_mood = "Mood";
set text_meta_music = "Music";

function Entry::print_metadata() {
var string tags_header = "Tags"; # text for tags header, "Current Tags"
var string tags_joiner = ""; # text for tags joiner, ":"
var string tags_sep = "| "; # text for tags separator, ", "
var bool show_edit_tags_link = false; # set to true if you want edit tags link as tags header

var string[] metadata = [];
var string{} meta_images = {};

var string currents_open = """
    \n"""; # html for opening of currents container
    var string currents_close = """
\n\n"""; # html for closing of currents container

var string meta_label_open = """
  • """; # html for opening of metadata label
    var string meta_label_close = """"""; # html for closing of metadata label
    var string meta_val_open = """"""; # html for opening of metadata value
    var string meta_val_close = """
  • """; # html for closing of metadata value
    # tags module has its own HTML in Expressive
    var string tags_cont_open = """
    var string tags_cont_close = """\n\n\n""";
    var string tags_label_open = """""";
    var string tags_label_close = """
      \n """;
      var string tags_item_open = """
    • """;
      var string tags_item_close = """
    • """;
      var bool have_meta = (size($.metadata) > 0); # do we have meta?
      var bool have_tags = ((size($.tags) > 0) and $*tags_aware); # do we have tags?
      var bool vanilla_loc = false; # set to true to delinkify location
      var string label = "";
      var string val = "";
      var string image = "";
      var string currents = ""; # make var for printing
      var Link edit_tags = $this->get_link("edit_tags"); # helper var to see if remote user can edit tags

      $metadata = [ "groups",
      "music" ];
      $meta_images = { "groups" => "http://URL TO GROUPS IMAGE",
      "location" => "",
      "mood" => "",
      "music" => "",
      "tags" => "" };

      if ($have_meta or $have_tags){

      if(defined $.mood_icon) { # print the mood icon first, if present
      $currents = $currents + """$.mood_icon""";

      $currents = $currents + $currents_open; # add opening of currents container

      foreach var string k ($metadata){ # step thru metadata
      $label = lang_metadata_title($k); # get label
      $image = $meta_images{$k} != "" ? $meta_images{$k} : ""; # get image
      $val = $.metadata{$k}; # get value

      if($val != ""){
      if($image != ""){ # add image label, if present
      $label = """

      if($k == "location" and $vanilla_loc){ # if location is present and plain text
      $val = striphtml($val);
      # add the meta
      $currents = $currents + """$meta_label_open$label$meta_label_close$meta_val_open$val$meta_val_close""";
      # close currents container here for Expressive
      $currents = $currents + $currents_close;

      # add an image for tag header, if present
      if($meta_images{"tags"} != ""){
      $label = $tags_header;
      $image = $meta_images{"tags"};
      $tags_header = """

      var int tcount = 0; # set counter for tags
      if($edit_tags.url != "" and $show_edit_tags_link) { # if remote user can edit tags, let's give them a link
      $tags_header = """ $tags_header""";

      # add text, open val container
      $currents = $currents + """$tags_cont_open$tags_label_open$tags_header$tags_joiner$tags_label_close""";

      # build tag list
      foreach var Tag t ($.tags) {
      $currents = $currents + """$tags_item_open $""";

      # if we haven't hit the last tag, add a separator
      if ($tcount != size $.tags) { $currents = $currents + $tags_sep; }
      $currents = $currents + $tags_item_close;
      $currents = $currents + $tags_cont_close; # close val container

      if(defined $.mood_icon) {
      $currents = $currents + """""";
      # print currents
      println "$currents";


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