I have changed the font to Monotype Corsiva, and changed the font size to about 8 to see how it looked and to make sure it had changed, but now it won't change back. Is this just time and if I go to bed now it should be fine tomorrow?
If it's late where you are I'd check you've not missed off any semi-colons(;) or the closing bracket and then go to bed and come back and look at it with fresh eyes in the morning... Or it may just drive you crazy.
#header-description {
font-family: "Bodoni MT", serif;
font-size: however big you want it;
ETA Sorry, I just re-read, and realised you didn't want Bodoni for the subtitle. Just swap that for whichever one you do want (obviously).
I have changed the font to Monotype Corsiva, and changed the font size to about 8 to see how it looked and to make sure it had changed, but now it won't change back. Is this just time and if I go to bed now it should be fine tomorrow?
Thank you.
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