Solid background colour under body of journal has vanished - SOLVED

Aug 06, 2008 18:08

I just changed to Expressive (Butterflies Grey) and have run into a fairly annoying problem - the background of my journal has somehow taken over, and instead of the background to the entries being white, it's now covered in flowers (link) and my journal is unreadable. I am using a theme layer so I can change the font size of the tags and I have made it viewable but don't know how to link it.

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "elles new theme";
set base_theme = "butterflies-greye";
set theme_designer = "get from base theme";
set theme_designer_type = "get from base theme";

layerinfo source_viewable = 1;

set sixth_item = "none";
set second_item = "links";
set fifth_item = "none";
set custom_css = "body {

background-color: #333333;
background-image: url(\"\");
background-repeat: repeat ;
background-attachment: fixed ;

#header-inner {
background-image: url(;
height: 421px;
#header-content-inner {
margin: 370px 240px 20px 280px;


#header-name {

#header, #header-content {
background-image: none;
background: none;

/* subject font */
.post-asset .asset-name a {
font-family: Arial;
/* header title/subtitle font */
#header-name a,
#header-description {
font-family: Arial;
/* header links */
#header .nav .item {
font-family: Arial;

.nav { font-size: 14px;}

.asset-name a:link,
.asset-name a:visited,
.asset-name a:hover {
color : #333333;

/* content and time stamp */

.asset-content {
color : #333333;

/* entry footer links */

.asset-meta-comments a:link,
.asset-meta-comments a:visited,
.asset-meta-comments a:hover {
color : #333333;

/* entry footer link divider */

.asset-meta-list .item {
border-color: #333333;

body {
color : #333333;

/* generic links */

a:hover {
color : #333333;

/* current state of generic links */

.current a:link,
.current a:visited,
.current a:hover {
color : #333333;

/* entry content and time stamp */

.asset-content {
color : #333333;

/* entry footer links */

.asset-meta-comments a:link,
.asset-meta-comments a:visited,
.asset-meta-comments a:hover {
color : #333333;

/* entry footer link divider */

.asset-meta-list .item {
border-color: #333333;

/* comments */

.comment {
color : #333333;

/* sidebar widgets */

.widget-content {
color : #333333;

ul.asset-tags-list li.item a:hover {
color: #999999 !important;

set third_item = "calendar";

function print_module_tags(string title) {
var Page p = get_page();
var TagDetail[] total_tags = $p->visible_tag_list();
var int most_count = 1;
if (size($total_tags) < 1) { return; }
var TagDetail[] tags;
var int tcount = 0;
foreach var TagDetail td ($total_tags) {
if (($*opt_tag_limit and $tcount < $*tag_limit) or not $*opt_tag_limit) {
$tags[$tcount] = $td;

open_module("categories", $title, "");

var string[] links = [];
# First get the highest tag count there is
foreach var TagDetail td ($tags) {
if ($td.use_count > $most_count) {
$most_count = $td.use_count;

# Now print the tag cloud
foreach var TagDetail td ($tags) {
var string uses = get_plural_phrase($td.use_count, "text_tag_uses");
var string security = $td.visibility;
var int tagtextsize;
var int mintagsize = 9; # Minimum tag text size, in pixels
var int maxtagsize = 23; # Maximum tag text size, in pixels

$tagtextsize = ($td.use_count * ($maxtagsize - $mintagsize)) / $most_count + $mintagsize; # Text size, in pixels, of this tag

if ($*tag_display == "cloud") {
$links[size $links] = """ $""";
} elseif ($*tag_display == "list") {
$links[size $links] = """ $""";

var string tags_url = $p.journal->base_url() + "/tag/"; # TODO: Need Page.view_url{"tags"} which doesn't exist yet.
print safe """

It should look more like this: EXAMPLE - I have used custom CSS for that journal because I don't need to change the tag font size, but something has gone terribly wrong in the first one.

Any help would be much appreciated! :)

page:backgrounds, s2:theme layer

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