Colors issues

Jan 28, 2008 13:34


I'm currently using Jolly Snowman designed by Lilia Ahner for Expressive Winter but as it's not Christmas time anymore, I would like to adapt some little things.

I'm not good at all with HTML. Therefore, I absolutely need your friendly help.

All what I have done alone until now has been done only through the Customize Journal Style page in the Custom CSS section because I don't know how to create a theme layer.

Here are all the codes I've added there to obtain what you can see if you're looking at my LJ (prefer to check my Friends page to see more details than my entry page because my journal is friends only).

#header-inner {
background-image: url("");
height: 200px;

#header, #header-content {
background-image: none;

#page-inner {
background-color: #003466 !important;
background-image: none !important;
font-color: #81BEFF !important;

#content-inner {
background-color: #003466 !important;
background-image: none !important;
font-color: #81BEFF !important;

#alpha-inner {
background-color: #003466 !important;
background-image: none !important;
font-color: #81BEFF !important;

body {
background-color: #003466 !important;
background-image: none !important;
color: #81BEFF !important;

The problem is that some things I like to change are still missing. I would like that all the white lines of the tables go out of sight and/or become color #003466 as well. Same thing with the little picture of the snowman near the title of the entry which I would see to desappear.

French is my mother-tongue and my English is not fluent. Therefore, even if you had probably already respond to this kind of question somewhere in this community, I'm not completely able to understand it as it's really hard for me to read so many things about HTML in English. Sorry about that, nobody is perfect ;o)

Well, in conclusion, if you have a look at my profile layout you will have a really good idea of what I would like to obtain with my LJ layout.

I'm pretty sure that I've done some mistakes and/or unnecessary things with my codes. Therefore, do not hesitate to correct me and, furthermore, I'm open to any suggestion you may have.

Thanks in advance for your help. Be already sure that it will be greatly appreciated!


page:borders, page:text:colors

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