I like being able to see userinfo icons, userpics, and mood icons, but I do not want to see any larger images in entries. I am aware of LiveJournal's image placeholders (I see
http://stat.livejournal.com/img/imageplaceholder2.png), but since most people don't specify image sizes when they post, I see the 35X35 image a LOT even when hoping to block just medium to large pictures. This is especially annoying because the image placeholder is bigger than the images it is replacing, such as those "add this to del.icio.us * digg this" buttons, which would be a lot less obnoxious than the 35X35 thing.
I'd like a smaller image placeholder. I know that there are tutorials about changing the userinfo images, so I'm hoping it would be possible to tweak the placeholder as well?
Thanks in advance!
This is awesome for those of you who want to use image placeholders but don't like what LJ has:
.ljimgplaceholder img {
width: 0;
height: 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* so that IE6 users will still see an image */
background-image: url(
http://YOURIMAGEURL.GIF); padding: 16px 16px 0 0;
.ljimgplaceholder img[src="
http://stat.livejournal.com/img/imageplaceholder2.png"] {
background-image: url(
http://YOURIMAGEURL.GIF); padding: 16px 16px 0 0;
At least it looks good on my firefox + mac os x.
http://whitecrow0.livejournal.com/friendsto see what I'm talking about. You should see little blue squares instead of other images.