Title: Behind the Sex
Fandom(s) : U-KISS
Pairing(s): KeMaru
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance
Warnings: Awful!English
Author's Notes: My second NaNoWriMo, and a rather bold decision, if I might say :)! Hopefully doesn't contain too much inaccuracies, and if it does, please ignore it? >_>?
Kibum kept his smile, eyes showing a different, serious glint. “You’ll see.” )
I forgot about my livejournal login. :/
And, I've abandoned my livejournal, months ago. :/
Since aff is down, I thought you would update behind the sex in your livejournal and I guess I was right! :D
Why are you like that?! ):
The ending is so fluffehhh ! <3
I'm love it! <3
you fell down? Aww.
Funny. I fell down too.
And it was in public.
It's so humiliating and embarrassing. :/
Sorry that you had to come to here, haha,
was trying to give AFF time.
You're right! ^^
If you have twitter you can follow @s2_otter so you don't have to guess ^^
Haha, well, it's Kibum we're talking about.
He's a little too mature for his age so well.
Glad you did ^^
HAHAHAHAHHAHA, but I fell down and got hurt so you're better :D
Thanks for commenting!
Lol. typical singlish. /laughs/
I guess Kibum is too mature.
To be honest, I was confused why Kibum did that.
But then again, I realised it was just to gain his father's attention, yes/no?
Hope you get better!
Hey, I swear my face was crimson red when I fell down.
People were staring at me.
Bad luck bad luck. ~.~
Anyway, it's been sometime since I've last visited here.
Well, I'm here anyway! haha!
Confused why Kibum did that? Ah well, he believed, used to, that his father was supportive.
And then his father started showing negative signs so he was testing his theory out and then when it's true he didn't like it ._.
Haha, awww /cuddles
^^ Welcome...back? XD
My jaw literally dropped when I read about his fight with his dad. Haha.
Sure. I'll follow you. Probably soon. xD that is if you can recognise me though, which I strongly think that you won't. xD lmao. HAHAHAHA! xD /cuddles
WAIT A MINUTE. DID I JUST SAW OME THING?! :D /jumps around madly
Scared? :3
HAHAHA, then hint me ;)
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