I just started using
Tiny Icons on my journal and it got me thinking.
They're done with CSS, but does anyone know of a way where you could have the image change depending on the user? Like, say, something as generic as if the user is male use Icon A, if female use Icon B, etc. Although what I'd really like to know is whether or not it would be possible to write something in to a layer using an if/else statement that will display a specific icon for a specific user or group of users, then a default for anyone else. (So if the username is XYZ, layout displays Icon A, etc.) So you could denote what level or group a certain user was in (just within your journal, obviously) just from looking at the icon by their name.
As an example (although I think this would have a lot of applications, especially for communities - denote moderators, etc), for my own journal, I'm using Hogwarts House Crests (Harry Potter) for my tiny icons. It'd be awesome if I could set it so that certain users got a Gryffindor badge, certain got Slytherin, etc, rather than everyone having to be the same.
It seems like quite an ambitious project (and is above my head) but I feel like if someone figured it out, it'd be ridiculously useful. Thanks in advance. :)
(x-posted to
s2styles, sorry for the spam!)