
Aug 14, 2007 07:53

I don't remember what I dreamed last night anymore...I woke up wrapped up in a big fuzzy warm ball of wonderfulness. That lasted about five seconds. Stupid traffic! Stupid sleepiness! Stupid...being awake!


So, I did the thing with the machine last night, then weed-eated the front yard, and cleaned up my craft room. Yay! It's all pretty now. Except for the part where Shelly had a couple of terribly icky accidents on the carpet in there in June that never came completely out. I reeeeally need to get rid of that carpet. Bleh.

Once I got the sewing table cleared off, I made really nifty little cushion to sit on in front of my altar last night, out of a lovely remnant of navy blue moire' satin (that Squishy bought me at Hobby Lobby, thank you Squishy!) and some navy peachskin silk that I've had kicking around my sewing boxes for ages.

I found a ton of half-finished sewing and mending that I need to catch up on, and my fabric stores are in serious need of a purge. I have SO much stuff in there that I will never, ever use (pink satin from a Halloween costume two years ago, for example). I need more nice containers to store things in - the whole cardboard box thing only works if all the boxes are the same size and shape. I was using printer paper boxes, but I can't get those anymore - the PTBs at work have decreed that taking home an empty cardboard box actually constitutes stealing from the University! Of all the stupid crap! So my crochet is now housed in an empty instant-fire-log box. *sings* In the ghettoooo....

I made the world's most awesomest potato salad last night. Mmm, breakfast. Ow, cold teeth. Ow, ow.


organization, to-do, altars, sewing

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