Jun 05, 2005 01:11
Whats with everyone obsession with growing up? " Oh I need to grow up now, ya'll need to grow up, or be left behind." To them, growing up, is leaving EVERYTHING behind that gave them joy previously. I dont get it, why? You can be responsible and not a wreck without being a total closet case.Why not play? Why not joke and kid and do, kid stuff? It doesnt hurt anyone, just balance it out and know theres a time and a place. People seem to misconcieve growing up, with being miserable. I've seen these so called " grown people" They dont hang out anymore, they dont kid, they dont play, everything's work and drama, unnessecary drama at that. ( please pardon my spelling, as Im too lazy to do a spell check :P) WAKE UP! The happiest people I know act like total fools! They play in mud, still play manhunt, spend hours on trivial crap like video games and board games. Doesnt that tip something off for ya'll? Just because your out of highschool and have a job now doesnt mean you have to have a completely bland one sided personality.I say play! I say have fun! The only thing for a grown person IS NOT work, clubs, sex and serious matters, oh, and the occasional dinner and a movie. Thats bullshit. People like that die young, or die old and miserable always being okay with mediocrity. PLAY DAMMIT! PLAY! If theres snow out, WHY ARENT YOU BUILDING A SNOWMAN OR MAKING SNOW ANGELS?! If your at the beach WHY ARE YOU LYING DOWN ON THE SAND LIKE A BEACHED WHALE RATHER THAN GETTING OUT THERE AND PLAYING, SWIMMING AND HAVING FUN! No, your there, doing the grown thing, reading a chicky magazine or some whitty anecdotes why frying your skins outer layer. Mind you, Im not downing reading, I love to read, Im downing the fact that even though some people go out, they still do NOTHING! Relaxing is well and good, but mix it up! Some people act like the only thing in life is drinking, clubbing and getting laid >.> trust me im not against ANY of those, haha >.>... :P But still, theres SOOOO much more! Lately, Ive been trying to find a laser tag place... funnest stuff EVER! Le sigh, ultra zone is now a tacky furniture/ dry cleaning store...SAVE THE CONCEPT OF PLAYING! IT IS SLOWLY DYING WITH EVERYONES OBSSESSION WITH ACTING LIKE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT! Please guys, cutting people out of your life, becoming a recluse and denying yourself of simple innocent pleasures is not the way.