Well, these days I've been riding the bus to work which turns my 20-minute commute to an hour plus commute, which means, I've got a lot of free time while being a consumer of the public transit. The problem is, I can't read on a bus without getting motion sick. (Oh, how I wish this weren't the case, because I have a *ton* of books just waiting to
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another really good one is Selected Shorts. they do short stories that are almost universally fabulous. a lot of it is stuff i'd never end up grabbing at a bookstore, but i love hearing it read live. link: http://www.symphonyspace.org/multimedia/podcasts
my other favorite is a bbc one called "in our time" - they have Really Smart People talking about interesting topics in history. some of it is over my head, but it's always interesting discussion. they're about 45 mins long and are full of lovely accents. link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourtime/
i dont know if you like bill maher, but i think you might... his HBO show called Real Time is also available as a podcast. it's mostly political, but usually really funny too. link: http://www.hbo.com/billmaher/downloads/
ooh one more NPR one is Living On Earth, which focuses on environmental things. it comes out weekly and does really fantastic in-depth features. link: http://www.loe.org/
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