let's get this started...

Jul 23, 2009 21:50

I've been wanting to get this journal thing started for quite some time now but I've just been so lazy...but this time I'll just take this opportunity to start things off...so this is probably the first real post I have made that has nothing to do with kpop (aside from the MJ post)...

I've also been wanting to change my layout but once again lazy and no skills...not a good combo...*sigh*...

anywho I'm way too excited for this weekend...Going to the only theme park we have around which is called "Canada's Wonderland"...call it Canada's version of Six Flags...since it's for my dad's company special family thing we got the entrance fee dirt cheap! which is 10 bucks! where the usual entrance fee is $40ish??..and my 10 bucks includes food! can I get a hoorah?! and anyone who knows me knows I'm a rollercoaster fanatic...bring me to any rollercoaster and I'll be the first to grab whoever's next to me to go on it...there was one time when I was nine and we were at Six Flags (or was it Universal??) in LA, I wanted to ride all the rollercoasters in the park...since my other brother is freakked out of rides I was lucky enough to have another brother who was as big of a fanatic as I am...however there was one ride I did not get to conquer..and that was the BATMAN ride...you know why?! cuz I was too damn short! (darn the asian genes!!) my brother got to go but I was unfortunately left behind...I remember crying about it...no joke...well now I'm older and a bit taller (just a bit..cuz well I'm vertically challenged)...so saturday my goal before leaving the theme park is to ride the biggest and fastest rollercoaster in canada (supposedly) BEHEMOTH...just the sound of the name gets ya doesn't it?! uh huh...

It was built last year and I've been on it once...the seats itself can give you a scare because it doesn't even give you seatbelts! It's just this bar wheel thing that will hold you it...even then it's not that tight, the bigger you are the safer it is I guess...the seats are composed of two in the middle together and then behind is two seperate seats...

I myself have sat on the outside seats..which I think feels scarier cuz on the turns I felt like I was gonna fall out of the ride...which gives off such an andrenaline rush! yay!...I sat in the front last time because my sister in law suggested it'd be a lot scarier in the front...but my cousins says the back is scarier...so I'll probably try the back out for my next run...well if that wasn't enough here's a sample of what I'd be going through on Saturday (hope and pray it doesn't rain), cursive words and all...

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