Aug 25, 2004 19:34
i havent used this in such a long time,and i dont no why i am now,just goes to show u how bord i m.well life lately has been pretty dam good.i hung out with Jesse last was always its nice to be with him...e reeli is a cool kid,very sweet n trys his best to make me happy,most of the time it works to...dam pants... n e way...i was sappossed to go to Rocky Horror last week but i hung out with Jesse at the mall instead,u should feel special :-p n e n chris arent tlkin,again,cuz...i actually dont no why,n i dont care.summer hasnt been all that interesting,lots of working,babisitting n hanging with some friends,and of corse,the mall every still single n im proud of myself for that altho there is starts on the 3rd for us n i cant wate for it,it will give me something to do,altho i no as soon as it starts im gunna be wishing for summer again.the day after school starts im haveing a party.i dont have a reason for it,i just will prolli be boring cuz its gunna be at my house but hey wut can u do.besides it gives me a chance to see a bunch of my friends i havent seen in a while.ive been reeli happy lately,no specific reason,but i keep blaming it on Jesse,not that its a bad thing but its still his fualt,also his fault that im goin crazy but thats besides the point.mike u need to be happier :-p n solitude is not nessacerialy (sp) the way to do it happy with ur friends it will work i promise.ive been tlkin to dan alot lately,cant wate for u to come home!!(see i care)so we can hang out,hes a cool kid.n ya no wut Joe,women suck,and yes we are fustrating i admit it,n ya no wut else?half the time most of us do it on purpose,with or without relizing it.n e way,i have a bit of a headache and actually need to get some sleep tonite so farwell for now
::kisses n hugs::