Yeeaah, the other one I just needed to get out of the way since it was pretty important. THIS post is just a little FYI.
○ The
PLAYER TABLE has been updated for all drops and new characters. If you see something wrong [especially you newbies] please tag this post or the player table post itself so I can fix it.
◘ AND because of a pretty good suggestion by TC, you can now see links to the Logs Comm and OOC comm on the sidebar of the main
Dystopian_Flux community beneath the current status. So instead of having to go to the profile to get the links, it's right there for your disposal.
• The CURRENT STATUS has been updated. The date is correct [for tomorrow, anyway], the weather has been changed, and please be aware of the SECURITY STATUS, as that may affect your characters as they're walking around Veles.
I think... that's it. If there's anything else, it'll have to wait until tomorrow so I can stop spamming the comm =__=