May 10, 2011 08:54
This…was a really hard thing for me to do and it took a lot…lot lot of thinking on my end. I hate to do it and I still just. Don’t even know.
But unfortunately, I’m going to have to drop Mikaela and Jo. It’s been a really, really long and AWESOME run here (A year, I think!) - seriously, it’s been so much fun with zombies and plots and amazing craziness, but my life has gotten to a point where I need to make some adjustments, and that means cutting back in my RP.
Thank you guys so, so much for all the awesome times, for real - and I hope that you guys keep in contact with me. My aim is travelistaa, and my personal LJ is the same, if you ever want to chat.
Bye guys, and thanks for all the fish ♥